[FieldTrip] Beamformer confusion (still)

Tyler Grummett tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Tue Jul 1 12:27:49 CEST 2014

Hello everyone,

So with absolutely no luck with the other methods I was trying, I tried to just use template files as I dont actually have any real mri data at this point.

I ran the following code to warp electrodes to the surface of the template standard_bem file.

I made sure that vol, timelock.elec and sourcemodel were all in centimetres.

timelock.elec = ft_convert_units( timelock.elec, 'cm');
?cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'headshape';
cfg.headshape = vol.bnd( 1);
timelock.elec = ft_sensorrealign( cfg, timelock.elec);

The attached is vol, sourcemodel and the electrodes plotted (from the following code)

figure; hold on
ft_plot_vol( vol, 'edgecolor', 'none');
alpha 0.4
hatlas = ft_plot_mesh( sourcemodel.pos( sourcemodel.inside, :));
set( hatlas, 'Color', [ 0 1 0]);
hsens = ft_plot_sens( timelock.elec, 'style', 'sk');
set( hsens, 'Color', [ 1 0 0]);

As they dont line up, Im wondering what I am doing wrong?


Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Flinders University
Rm 5A301
Ext 66124
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