[FieldTrip] Postdoc position in comparative/computational emotion neuroscience at University of Zurich, starting 2014

Dominik R Bach dominik.bach at uzh.ch
Sun Jan 19 14:07:30 CET 2014

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position to work on the 
neurobiology of anxiety and fear, with a methodical focus on either MEG, 
high-field MRI, or computational modelling. The Comparative Emotion 
Neuroscience Group (www.bachlab.org) currently hosts 1 PostDoc, 3 PhD 
students, and several support staff, and is looking for a second 
post-doctoral fellow. The group's aim is to develop formal models of 
animal and human defensive emotions (panic, fear, anxiety), characterise 
their neuroanatomy and the underlying neural computations using 
neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, M/EEG) in humans, andapply this knowledge 
to psychiatric syndromes involving pathological emotions. The laboratory 
offers a friendly and collaborative research environment, a 
research-dedicated 3T MRI scanner, a fully equipped 
psychological/psychophysiological testing facility, access to EEG, and 
collaboration with MEG and 7T MRI facilities. The position is funded by 
the Swiss National Science Foundation for 3 years and paid according to 
work experience, usually in grade 18. The lab, behavioural testing 
facilities, EEG, and 3T scanner are located in the Department of 
Psychiatry, University of Zurich, Switzerland.**

The successfull applicant will have either (a) an undergraduate degree 
in physics/engineering/mathematics/computer science, and a PhD in 
cognitive neuroscience, or (b) an undergraduate degree in 
biology/psychology/neuroscience, and a PhD in neuroscience with a 
computational or technological focus. The candidate will be experienced 
in human experimentation, in particular fMRI or M/EEG. Fluent English is 
mandatory, German is not. We are looking for a highly motivated 
individal with interest in neurobiology who develops independent 
research ideas within the group's framework.

Starting date is 2014. Applications are accepted until the position is 
filled. Applicants should send, in one merged PDF, a CV, publication 
list, letter of intent with a statement of research interest, and the 
name and contact of two references to:

jobs at bachlab.org <mailto:d.bach at ucl.ac.uk>

Dominik R Bach
University of Zurich

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