[FieldTrip] Band Limited Power Analysis in Fieldtrip?
Chaitanya Srinivas
chaitanya.pro at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 12:50:57 CET 2014
Hi Ian,
If you want to approximate a chebyshev filter with butterworth, you
obviously need a higher order than the actual chebyshev uses. Some simple
calculations are involved on your data which basically suggests even to
get a 3dB of stopband attenuation for the delta range, you would be needing
an order of 3 for a chebyshev-1 type filter. Similarly you will be needing
a 4th order butterworth filter.
By default, even the filedtrip uses 4th order for butterworth filter. So I
would suggest you to use a 4th order butterworth filter to approximate the
chebyshev filter you mentioned here.
*[image: Inline image 1]*
*Best Regards*
*Chaitanya Srinivas Lanka Wiss. Mitarbeiter
*PhD StudentFunctional and Restorative Neurosurgery Neural Information
ProcessingNeurosurgical University Hospital*
* Graduate Training Center for Neuroscience Eberhard Karls
University Eberhard Karls University
Österbergstr. 3*
* D-72076 Tuebingen **D-72074 Tuebingen*
*Mobile Phone Number : +49-176-79035731*
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Ian M. Andolina <i.andolina at ucl.ac.uk>wrote:
> Hi, I wanted to use Fieldtrip to recreate the methodology used in a
> paper by Leopold et al., 2003 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cercor/13.4.422>— the relevant methods section is the following:
> *“The LFP signals were resampled to 1 kHz, and then band-pass filtered
> into seven frequency ranges using a second order, bi-directional,
> zero-phase Chebyshev type-1 filter. The frequency ranges, as well as their
> rough mapping onto classically defined electroencephalographic conventions,
> were the following: δ (1–4 Hz), θ (5–8 Hz), α (9–14 Hz), β (15–30 Hz), γL
> (30–50 Hz), γH (50–100 Hz), and γVH (100–150 Hz). The resulting
> band-limited signals were full-wave rectified by taking their absolute
> value. They were then resampled to 20 Hz after low-pass filtering with an
> eighth order Chebyshev type-1 filter (cutoff = 8 Hz).”*
> My LFP data is sampled at 1kHz, and I manually pad with data either side
> of the event triggered region of interest. Fieldtrip doesn’t have a chebyshev
> type-1 filter, but would a second order two-pass (aka zero phase?)
> butterworth be good enough considering the frequency bands used? I’m using
> the following cfg passed to ft_preprocessing for the initial bandpass
> filtering and rectification:
> freq = {[1 4], [5 8], [9 14], [15 30], [30 50], [50 100], [100 150]};for j = 1:length(freq)
> cfg = [];
> cfg.padding = 0;
> cfg.bpfilter = 'yes';
> cfg.bpfilttype = 'but';
> cfg.bpfreq = freq{j};
> cfg.bpfiltdir = 'twopass';
> cfg.bpfiltord = 2;
> cfg.bpinstabilityfix = 'reduce';
> cfg.rectify = 'yes';
> bp{j} = ft_preprocessing(cfg,ft);end
> As far as I can see in ft_preprocessing rectification occurs after
> filtering, so this is as specified by Leopold *et al.,*
> Then for downsampling/resampling:
> cfg = [];cfg.padding = 0;cfg.lpfilter = 'yes';cfg.lpfreq = 8;cfg.lpfilttype = 'but';cfg.lpfiltdir = 'twopass';cfg.lpfiltord = 8;cfg.lpinstabilityfix = 'reduce';
> bp{j} = ft_preprocessing(cfg,bp{j});
> cfg = [];cfg.resample = 'yes';cfg.resamplefs = 20;cfg.detrend = 'no';
> bp{j} = ft_resampledata(cfg,bp{j});
> Does this seem a correct translation of this method in Fieldtrip? Are
> there any caveats other than the filter differences?
> Thanks, Ian
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