[FieldTrip] ft_databrowser doesnt plot channel names

Nenad Polomac polomacnenad at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 12:29:32 CET 2013

I just realized that ft_databrowser in FT version 20131120 for some reason
doesn't plot labels of the channels on y axis. Earlier version works fine.
I have also read http://bugzilla.fcdonders.nl/show_bug.cgi?id=2065

cfg.viewmode ='vertical';
cfg.plotlabels  = 'yes';
cfg.trl = 'all';
cfg.continuous = 'no';
cfg.channel ='EEG';
ft_databrowser(cfg, data);

My guess is something is wrong with the line 1696 of the ft_databrowser
ft_plot_text(labelx(laysel), labely(laysel), opt.hdr.label(chanindx(i)),
'tag', 'chanlabel', 'HorizontalAlignment',

It is not that I urgently need this, I just wanted to contribute a little.

all the best!

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