[FieldTrip] Question about ft_freqanalysis using wavelet method

Szabolcs Szebényi szabbanto at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 16:51:36 CEST 2013

Dear Fieldtrip developers and users,

I have a question about ft_freqanalysis when I use the 'wavelet' method.
When I call this fieldtrip function with the specifications below, I get an
error message right at the first trial:

Error using zeros
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.

Error in ft_freqanalysis (line 601)
        if powflg, powspctrm     =

Here are my specifications:

        cfg              = [];
        cfg.trials       = find(data.trialinfo(:,3) == iPhase);
        cfg.channel      = 'MEG';
        cfg.method       = 'wavelet';
        cfg.toi          = -1.5:0.005:4;
        cfg.foi          = 30:1:90;
        cfg.width        = 5;
        cfg.keeptrials   = 'yes';
        cfg.output       = 'pow';
        cfg.pad          = 'maxperlen';
        cfg.padtype      = 'zero';
        cfg.polyremoval  = 0;

I tried out the wavelet approach already for lower frequencies (foi =
1:0.5:30; toi = -1.5:0.1:4; width = 7) and it worked fine for that. For the
higher frequencies above, it cannot proceed further to the 2nd trial with
60GB memory either, so I think, the problem is somewhere else.

The data itself consists of 275 trials, with a sampling rate of 600Hz; 273
channels CTF MEG.

I would highly appreciate if you could tell me where the problem is and
what I should change in order to proceed.

Thank you in advance for your help,

Szabolcs Szebényi
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