[FieldTrip] troubles while reading 4D MEG files in getting the MEG channels

sophie chen sophiechen33 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 13:51:27 CET 2013

Dear all,

I am trying to read MEG 4D files with Fieldtrip version 20130226 using
ft_preprocessing file with a preselection of MEG channels ( 'MEG' or a cell
array of channel names, here is MEG_LABEL) but the output
data contains only 152 channels while I have 248 channels... I tried the
same code with Fieldtrip version 20121015, and I get everything properly
(i.e. 248 channels)
Following the script I am running and the corresponding results in matlab.

*cfg = [];
cfg.dataset = 'c,rfDC';
cfg.trialdef.eventtype  = 'TRIGGER';
cfg.trialdef.eventvalue  = 2;
cfg.trialdef.prestim    = 1;
cfg.trialdef.poststim    = 2;
[cfg] = ft_definetrial(cfg);

% cfg.channel =  'MEG';
cfg.channel = MEG_LABEL;
cfg.continous = 'yes';
data_2 = ft_preprocessing (cfg)*

*I get this >>*

 Warning: no trialfun was specified, using ft_trialfun_general
> In ft_definetrial at 123
evaluating trialfunction 'ft_trialfun_general'
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix
Warning: all channels must have unique labels, creating unique labels
> In ft_read_header at 1681
  In ft_trialfun_general at 71
  In ft_definetrial at 162
undoing the Supine balancing
reading the events from 'c,rfDC'
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix
Warning: all channels must have unique labels, creating unique labels
> In ft_read_header at 1681
  In ft_read_event at 174
  In ft_trialfun_general at 80
  In ft_definetrial at 162
found 677 events
created 249 trials
the call to "ft_definetrial" took 5 seconds
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix
Warning: all channels must have unique labels, creating unique labels
> In ft_read_header at 1681
  In ft_preprocessing at 394
processing channel { 'A2' 'A104' 'A241' 'A138' 'A71' 'A125' 'A20' 'A65'
'A9' 'A114' 'A175' 'A228' 'A35' 'A191' 'A37' 'A170' 'A207' 'A224' 'A82'
'A238' 'A28' 'A239' 'A13' 'A165' 'A204' 'A25' 'A70' 'A11' 'A47' 'A64'
'A177' 'A127' 'A247' 'A194' 'A5' 'A242' 'A168' 'A31' 'A245' 'A219' 'A105'
'A222' 'A76' 'A188' 'A215' 'A235' 'A181' 'A38' 'A230' 'A91' 'A212' 'A24'
'A96' 'A57' 'A86' 'A116' 'A141' 'A120' 'A80' 'A210' 'A113' 'A27' 'A135'
'A167' 'A206' 'A100' 'A43' 'A200' 'A102' 'A132' 'A122' 'A62' 'A21' 'A229'
'A55' 'A32' 'A85' 'A58' 'A60' 'A88' 'A79' 'A203' 'A145' 'A139' 'A156' 'A68'
'A159' 'A236' 'A161' 'A6' 'A126' 'A94' 'A15' 'A193' 'A150' 'A36' 'A225'
'A195' 'A172' 'A108' 'A81' 'A171' 'A218' 'A173' 'A201' 'A74' 'A29' 'A164'
'A232' 'A69' 'A157' 'A97' 'A124' 'A40' 'A178' 'A179' 'A33' 'A147' 'A148'
'A89' 'A119' 'A52' 'A190' 'A73' 'A136' 'A184' 'A51' 'A77' 'A129' 'A197'
'A182' 'A46' 'A92' 'A41' 'A90' 'A23' 'A154' 'A18' 'A248' 'A149' 'A118'
'A152' 'A140' 'A110' 'A185' 'A162' 'A106' 'A187' 'A221' 'A133' 'A158'
'A216' }
reading and preprocessing
reading and preprocessing trial 249 from 249

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 20 seconds

data_2 =

           hdr: [1x1 struct]
         label: {152x1 cell}
          time: {1x249 cell}
         trial: {1x249 cell}
       fsample: 2.0345e+03
    sampleinfo: [249x2 double]
     trialinfo: [249x1 double]
          grad: [1x1 struct]
           cfg: [1x1 struct]

*This is what I get with Fieldtrip 20121015:*

Warning: no trialfun was specified, using ft_trialfun_general
> In ft_definetrial at 123
evaluating trialfunction 'ft_trialfun_general'
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix
undoing the Supine balancing
reading the events from 'c,rfDC'
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix
undoing the Supine balancing
found 677 events
created 249 trials
the call to "ft_definetrial" took 7 seconds
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix
undoing the Supine balancing
processing channel { 'A22' 'A2' 'A104' 'A241' 'A138' 'A214' 'A71' 'A26'
'A93' 'A39' 'A125' 'A20' 'A65' 'A9' 'A8' 'A95' 'A114' 'A175' 'A16' 'A228'
'A35' 'A191' 'A37' 'A170' 'A207' 'A112' 'A224' 'A82' 'A238' 'A202' 'A220'
'A28' 'A239' 'A13' 'A165' 'A204' 'A233' 'A98' 'A25' 'A70' 'A72' 'A11' 'A47'
'A160' 'A64' 'A3' 'A177' 'A63' 'A155' 'A10' 'A127' 'A67' 'A115' 'A247'
'A174' 'A194' 'A5' 'A242' 'A176' 'A78' 'A168' 'A31' 'A223' 'A245' 'A219'
'A12' 'A186' 'A105' 'A222' 'A76' 'A50' 'A188' 'A231' 'A45' 'A180' 'A99'
'A234' 'A215' 'A235' 'A181' 'A38' 'A230' 'A91' 'A212' 'A24' 'A66' 'A42'
'A96' 'A57' 'A86' 'A56' 'A116' 'A151' 'A141' 'A120' 'A189' 'A80' 'A210'
'A143' 'A113' 'A27' 'A137' 'A135' 'A167' 'A75' 'A240' 'A206' 'A107' 'A130'
'A100' 'A43' 'A200' 'A102' 'A132' 'A183' 'A199' 'A122' 'A19' 'A62' 'A21'
'A229' 'A84' 'A213' 'A55' 'A32' 'A85' 'A146' 'A58' 'A60' 'A88' 'A79' 'A169'
'A54' 'A203' 'A145' 'A103' 'A163' 'A139' 'A49' 'A166' 'A156' 'A128' 'A68'
'A159' 'A236' 'A161' 'A121' 'A4' 'A61' 'A6' 'A126' 'A14' 'A94' 'A15' 'A193'
'A150' 'A227' 'A59' 'A36' 'A225' 'A195' 'A30' 'A109' 'A172' 'A108' 'A81'
'A171' 'A218' 'A173' 'A201' 'A74' 'A29' 'A164' 'A205' 'A232' 'A69' 'A157'
'A97' 'A217' 'A101' 'A124' 'A40' 'A123' 'A153' 'A178' 'A1' 'A179' 'A33'
'A147' 'A117' 'A148' 'A87' 'A89' 'A243' 'A119' 'A52' 'A142' 'A211' 'A190'
'A53' 'A192' 'A73' 'A226' 'A136' 'A184' 'A51' 'A237' 'A77' 'A129' 'A131'
'A198' 'A197' 'A182' 'A46' 'A92' 'A41' 'A90' 'A7' 'A23' 'A83' 'A154' 'A34'
'A17' 'A18' 'A248' 'A149' 'A118' 'A208' 'A152' 'A140' 'A144' 'A209' 'A110'
'A111' 'A244' 'A185' 'A246' 'A162' 'A106' 'A187' 'A48' 'A221' 'A196' 'A133'
'A158' 'A44' 'A134' 'A216' }
reading and preprocessing
reading and preprocessing trial 249 from 249

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 24 seconds

data_2 =

           hdr: [1x1 struct]
         label: {248x1 cell}
          time: {1x249 cell}
         trial: {1x249 cell}
       fsample: 2.0345e+03
    sampleinfo: [249x2 double]
     trialinfo: [249x1 double]
          grad: [1x1 struct]
           cfg: [1x1 struct]

I hope this helps to find out where the problem is coming from...
Thanks in advance for your help


Sophie Chen
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