[FieldTrip] 1 post-doc and 1 PhD position in human auditory and motor neuroscience

Stefan Debener stefan.debener at uni-oldenburg.de
Thu Sep 6 09:12:09 CEST 2012

Lieber Jochem,
ich habe vo ein paar Tagen Frau Straube gesprochen, die bei Prof. Kauss, 
Neurochirurgie Hannover, die Forschung leitet. Herr Krauss ist sehr 
kooperationsfreudig und es ist kein Problem an BG und Dystonie DBS 
Patienten zu kommen, das machen die wohl ziemlich häufig inzwischen (ca 
1/Woche), und Ausleitung mehrere Tage danach ist auch kein Problem. 
Vielleicht solltest Du den Kontakt suchen, ist zwar nicht ecog, aber 

Am 9/5/12 3:24 AM, schrieb Jochem Rieger:
> The Department of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology at Oldenburg 
> University, Germany, offers a
> *Post-doctoral position (E13/TVL, 3 years plus) *
> and a
> *PhD position (0.5*E13/TVL, initially 2 years)*
> The lab focuses on the fields of neural coding of complex movements 
> and neural coding of speech in the human brain with the aim of 
> developing brain-machine-interfaces.
> To extend our interdisciplinary team we seek for highly motivated 
> candidates with strong quantitative and experimental skills. The 
> post-doctoral position requires a PhD or comparable degree and the PhD 
> position requires a masters or comparable degree. The post-doctoral 
> position is initially limited to three years after with an option for 
> an extension to obtain habilitation (post-doctoral degree, similar to 
> a lecturer qualification). Successful candidates will perform cutting 
> edge research in one of the lab's foci and should have a background in 
> one or more of the following fields: non-invasive or invasive human 
> neurophysiology of the motor or auditory system, statistical learning, 
> brain-machine-interfacing. The positions offer an excellent 
> interdisciplinary working environment with opportunities for 
> international exchange. The lab is involved in the EU-project BRACOG 
> (brain controlled grasping) and we have a close collaboration with UC 
> Berkeley, USA. The University of Oldenburg was recently awarded a 
> Cluster of Excellence in hearing research. The Dept. of Psychology 
> will offer an attractive scientific environment with access to 
> research dedicated state-of-the-art approaches to human 
> neurophysiological techniques (fMRI, NIRS, EEG, ECoG, and MEG).
> Electronic applications are preferred and can be send to:
> Professor Dr. Jochem Rieger: Jochem.rieger at uni-oldenburg.de 
> <mailto:Jochem.rieger at uni-oldenburg.de>
> Please send paper applications until September 30^th 2012 to:
> Margrit Jung
> Dept. of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology
> Institute of Psychology
> Oldenburg University
> 26111 Oldenburg
> Germany
> Applications should include your CV and a list of most recent 
> publications. Applications for the post-doctoral position should 
> include a research statement (max. 3 pages). The University of 
> Oldenburg aims to employ more women in this area and therefore 
> particularly welcomes applications from women. We also welcome 
> applications from disabled persons.
> -- 
> Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jochem Rieger
> Applied Neurocognitive         Knight Lab
> Psychology                     Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
> Faculty V                      University of California
> Carl-von-Ossietzky University  132 Barker Hall
> 26111 Oldenburg                Berkeley, CA 94720-3192
> Germany                        USA
> Phone: +49(0)4417984533
> Fax:   +49(0)4417983865
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Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener
Neuropsychology	Lab
Department of Psychology
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg

Office: A7 0-038
Phone: +49-441-798-4271
Fax:   +49-441-798-5522
Email: stefan.debener at uni-oldenburg.de

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