[FieldTrip] Plotting use ft_multiplot
Adair, Devin
dadair at NKI.RFMH.ORG
Fri Oct 26 17:49:31 CEST 2012
I am currently designing my own n-way ANOVA script for time frequency data using a mixture of fieldtrip functions and my own scripting.
I currently have a 2x2x4x10 design that I managed (after some effort) to output 25x24x17 (electrode x frequency x time) matrices with the p-values for each interaction.
I know would like to plot this data using ft_multiplot by using the cfg.inputfile option that specifies a single *.mat file with a 'data' variable contained a cell array.
My question is about the format of the cell array - does it need to come in a certain order? (frequency first, time second, etc) or by specifying the other configuration parameters will it automatically detect how my data is arranged?
Thanks for the help,
Devin Adair
Research Assistant
Brain Stimulation Program, Division of Experimental Therapeutics
Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center
New York State Psychiatric Institute
(p) 212-543-1339
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