[FieldTrip] isrealmat & isrealvec

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at donders.ru.nl
Thu May 3 21:40:32 CEST 2012

Dear Josha,

Hmm, those functions seem  to be part of the "Identification_Toolbox". No idea what that toolbox does, but our University has a few licenses for it, that is why the use of that external toolbox went undetected.

Of course there is no reason to use an external toolbox for such simple functions. I'll add a replacement implementation to FieldTrip. See already attached for the two functions, please put them in your fieldtrip/private folder.

best regards,

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On 3 May 2012, at 16:48, Schmiedt, Joscha wrote:

> Dear Fieldtrip community,
> I'd like to use the Fieldtrip framework for my spike data analysis, but 
> encountered something strange: a couple of spike analysis-related 
> functions (e.g. ft_spikedensity, ft_spike_plot_raster) make use of the 
> functions isrealmat and isrealvec, which seem to be non-standard matlab 
> functions and also not present in the standard Fieldtrip installation. 
> I'm using Matlab R2011a and a pretty recent version of Fieldtrip 
> (ft_spikedensity.m 5157 2012-01-22 14:49:34Z, ft_spike_plot_raster.m 
> 5157 2012-01-22 14:49:34Z).

> Did I miss something there? Though it is easy to implement these 
> functions, I'd very happy about any hints on this issue. Thanks!
> Best,
> Joscha
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