[FieldTrip] warning: the trial definition in the configuration is inconsistent with the actual data

Dieter Devlaminck dieter.devlaminck at inria.fr
Wed Mar 28 11:26:15 CEST 2012

Dear All, 

When I try to invoke the 'ft_topoplotER(cfg,GA_FC)' command, I get the following warning 

Warning: the trial definition in the configuration is inconsistent with the actual data 

This happens both with the tutorial data as with my own data and is apparently caused by the fact that in the data structure there is a field 'previous' which in turn contains a field 'trl' which contains information on all triggers found in my original data. As I only take the average of the trials corresponding to certain target stimuli with ft_timelockanalysis (using 'cfg.trials = find(data.cfg.trl(:,end));') and then try to make a plot of that, fieldtrip finds an inconsistency in the dimensions and then does some kind of reconstruction, stating the following 

Warning: reconstructing sampleinfo by assuming that the trials are consecutive segments of a continuous recording 

This worries me a bit as I do not know exactly what it is doing although the tutorial plot seemed to be the same as the one on the website. What can I do to avoid this warning? 

I use fieldtrip version 20120308 and matlab R2010b on fedora 14. 

Thanks in advance, 
Best regards, 
Dieter Devlaminck 
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