[FieldTrip] Neuroscan .cnt files

Giulia Rizza giulia.rizza at tiscali.it
Mon Mar 19 16:25:20 CET 2012

Dear Fieldtrippers,
hi to everyone and thanks in advance for your time.
I'm not 
an expert and I'd like to share with you a problem I found in reading cnt files 
acquired with Neuroscan.

I read the data with ft_read_data function and I find 
the attached link Plot1, for instance the first channel. It seems that the 
signal is forced to pass per zero every two samples, so I tried to read them  
excluding the even samples and I find the result in Plot2, while excluding the 
odd values I find the result in Plot3.


Unfortunately there are still some problems since the maximum value that 
can be represented (about 900) is smaller than some values in the data and the 
result is that I find a sharp change of sign. How can I fix it?

Thanks to 
anyone who can help me


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