[FieldTrip] ft_prepare_bemmodel: vol.mat is NaN

Akiko Ikkai akiko.ikkai at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 17:36:36 CET 2012


I'm wondering if there has been more conversations on the post "function
prepare_bemmodel: resulting BEM system matrix is NaN", dated back to
2/17/2010. I have the same problem and would love to know how to work
around it. In short, I'm trying to create a volume conduction model for my
EEG data based on subjects' segmented anatomical MRI
('scalp','skull','brain'). ft_prepare_bemmodel creates vol that can be
plotted nicely (using ft_plot_vol), but vol.mat is all Nan. I tracked down
the error to be originated in ft_prepare_bemmodel, line 162 (20110525

C21    = bem_Cij_lin(vol.bnd(2).pnt,vol.bnd(1).pnt,vol.bnd(1).tri,
the original post suggests to 1) find where NaN are, 2) check their actual
location in vol.bnd(1).pnt and in vol.bnd(1).tri, and then 3) correct the
mesh, by removing the collapsed vertex/triangle. I was able to find where
NaN are in C21, but am stuck at how to proceed from here.

If anyone has suggestions on how I could go from here, it'll be greatly
Thanks in advance, Akiko

Akiko Ikkai, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Johns Hopkins University
Ames Hall, 3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
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