[FieldTrip] How can I calculate phase locking factor in FieldTrip?

平野 昭吾 shhirano at npsych.med.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Fri Jan 13 02:49:06 CET 2012

Hi everyone!

I'm a FieldTrip beginner and I have a question.
I'm sure I can estimate time frequency power with FieldTrip.
But I don't know how I can estimate time-frequency phase locking factor.
phase locking factor is defined as following equation.
Phase-locking(t)=1/N x |Σz(t)|, where N is the number of epochs and z(t) refers to the continuous phase of a single trial. 
Here, z is a complex value on the unit circle, i.e., z=exp(jq), where q is the phase of an oscillation and j is the imaginary unit (e.g. Tallon-baudry et al., 1996).
Does anyone know how to calculate this phase locking factor with FieldTrip?
Any answer will help me.

Best regards,

Shogo Hirano

Department of Neuropsychiatry
Graduate school of medical sciences
Kyushu University
Fukuoka, Japan
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