[FieldTrip] randomization vs permutation using ft_sourceanalysis

Frederic Roux fredericroux at hotmail.de
Thu Apr 12 19:01:49 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I would like to compute first level  statistics of resting state source activity during

eyes open and eyes closed to be able to compare this contrast across a group

of subjects with different ages.

I noticed that ft_sourceanalysis offers the possibility to contrast two conditions using
 cfg.randomization  or cfg.permutation.

The help documentation mentions that these options are required if one
wants to contrast two conditions and apparently they do something
different since they are mutually exclusive (one can not call ft_sourcenalysis with both).

However, it is not clear to me how both options differ and how the data
structure that is being returned can be used with ft_sourcestatistics.

Any help would be as always highly appreciated.

Best, Fred


Frédéric Roux, PhD student
Department of Neurophysiology
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
D-60529 Frankfurt am Main
Frederic.Roux at brain.mpg.de

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