[FieldTrip] cluster>nothing to plot

Magyari, Lilla Lilla.Magyari at mpi.nl
Fri Oct 7 15:08:11 CEST 2011

hi Zita,

I do not know what kind of script you wrote, therefore, it is difficult 
to figure out what the problem is exactly. But your problems reminds me 
to the following:
if you followed the FT tutorial for plotting the clusters, you must be 
aware that it will plot only those channels in each time-bin that are 
part of the cluster during the entire time-bin. So, if you use a 50 ms 
bin, and a channel is part of the significant cluster only for 10 ms, 
you won't see that channel on the plot. I hope this helps.


Zita Eva Patai wrote:
> Sorry, I know the answer now, but I have another , similar problem:
> When i get the clusterplot figure (after i run the cluster analysis), it 
> has the timebins every 4ms (bc i have a 250Hz sampling rate) with the 
> significant clusters plotted. 
> For a simplified plotting, i was trying to use the bit of script where i 
> can specify the timesteps i want the clusters to be shown in (ex: every 
> 50ms)
> But, depending on what timestep i use, sometimes it does not display the 
> clusters that are significant, almost like if the period is not long 
> enough, it will not show the clusters...
> Any ideas ?
> Thank you!
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Zita Eva Patai <eva.patai at psy.ox.ac.uk 
> <mailto:eva.patai at psy.ox.ac.uk>> wrote:
>     Dear All
>     I am running the Cluster-based permutation tests on event related
>     fields, and for the same dataset, with all settings identical, when
>     i run:
>     0-200ms: i get one significant cluster
>     but:
>     0-500ms: no significant clusters
>     why does my significant cluster disappear depending on the time
>     window i use?
>     thank you!
>     z
>     -- 
>     Zita Patai
>     DPhil Candidate, Experimental Psychology
>     University of Oxford
>     bcl.psy.ox.ac.uk/people/zita-eva-patai/
>     <http://bcl.psy.ox.ac.uk/people/zita-eva-patai/>
>     eva.patai at psy.ox.ac.uk <mailto:eva.patai at psy.ox.ac.uk>
> -- 
> Zita Patai
> DPhil Candidate, Experimental Psychology
> University of Oxford
> bcl.psy.ox.ac.uk/people/zita-eva-patai/ 
> <http://bcl.psy.ox.ac.uk/people/zita-eva-patai/>
> eva.patai at psy.ox.ac.uk <mailto:eva.patai at psy.ox.ac.uk>
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