[FieldTrip] ft_neighbourplot

Marco Buiatti marco.buiatti at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 12:31:39 CET 2011

Dear Fieldtrippers,

I have a problem with ft_neighbourplot.

Data from Neuromag 306 channels. Running on Linux 64 bits, Matlab version 7.12.0

Neighbours in the Fieldtrip layout seem ok to me.

However, when plotting them with ft_neighbourplot, the layout is
clearly incorrect, it includes only about one third of the channels
and when clicking on single channels, the output is incorrect (it
always displays the same channel labels).

I think this is a very useful command, so I would like to be able to use it!

Below I have copied the corresponding commands.

Am I doing anything wrong? Any help?



>> data

data =

          hdr: [1x1 struct]
        label: {306x1 cell}
         time: {1x300 cell}
        trial: {1x300 cell}
      fsample: 1000
   sampleinfo: [300x2 double]
    trialinfo: [300x1 double]
         grad: [1x1 struct]
          cfg: [1x1 struct]

>> cfg=[]; cfg.method='template'; cfg.template='/neurospin/local/fieldtrip/template/neighbours/neuromag306mag_neighb.mat';
>> neighbours = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg, data)
Trying to load sensor neighbours from a template
Successfully loaded neighbour structure from
there are on average 6.9 neighbours per channel
the call to "ft_prepare_neighbours" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

neighbours =

1x104 struct array with fields:

>> cfg=[];cfg.neighbours=neighbours;
>> ft_neighbourplot(cfg,data)
Using the gradiometer configuration from the dataset.
the call to "ft_neighbourplot" took 1 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
Selected channel MEG1941, which has 10 neighbours: MEG0121, MEG0131,
MEG0141, MEG0341
Selected channel MEG2411, which has 9 neighbours: MEG0121, MEG0131,
MEG0141, MEG0341
Selected channel MEG2411, which has 9 neighbours: MEG0121, MEG0131,
MEG0141, MEG0341
Selected channel MEG2131, which has 6 neighbours: MEG0121, MEG0131,
MEG0141, MEG0341
Selected channel MEG2211, which has 6 neighbours: MEG0121, MEG0131,
MEG0141, MEG0341

Marco Buiatti, PhD

CEA/DSV/I2BM / NeuroSpin
INSERM U992 - Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit
Bât 145 - Point Courrier 156
Gif sur Yvette F-91191  FRANCE
Ph:  +33(0)
Fax: +33(0)
E-mail: marco.buiatti at gmail.com


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