[FieldTrip] PhD and post-doctoral position at Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging

P.Praamstra at neuro.umcn.nl P.Praamstra at neuro.umcn.nl
Fri Aug 19 21:04:29 CEST 2011

Please find attached two adverts for positions at the Donders Centre for
Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.


For both positions we are looking for candidates with MEG or EEG


Post-doctoral researcher on project  "Movement selection in the
parietofrontal cortex: The affordance competition hypothesis".


PhD student for project "Feeling the beat: The neurophysiology of cueing
in Parkinson's disease".



Peter Praamstra, MD, PhD

Department of Neurology
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre

PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Tel: 00-31-24-3668254
Fax: 00-31-24-3541122
Email: p.praamstra at neuro.umcn.nl


Het UMC St Radboud staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.

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