plv analysis
Bernhard Spitzer
bernhard.spitzer at BCCN-BERLIN.DE
Mon Jul 5 15:02:15 CEST 2010
Dear ft_list,
I am trying to perform plv analysis using Fieldtrip, on EEG data
converted from SPM to Fieldtrip using ftraw.
Frequanalysis on the imported data works fine, I obtain the powspctrm
and crsspctrm, and I can succeed
with connectivityanalyis to compute e.g., coherence without problems.
However, when I set cfg.method to 'plv', connectivityanalysis throws the
following error:
??? Conversion to cell from double is not possible.
Error in ==> avgoverdim at 17
reduceddim(avgdimnum) = 1;
Error in ==> selectdata at 445
if avgoverrpt, tmpdata = avgoverdim(tmpdata, 'rpt'); end
Error in ==> ft_connectivityanalysis at 256
data = selectdata(data, 'avgoverrpt', 'yes');
any suggestions?
best & many thanks
%Here the settings I use for frequanalysis (which seems to work fine)
cfg = [];
cfg.output ='powandcsd';
cfg.taper = 'dpss'; = unique(S.chancomb(:));
cfg.channelcmb = S.chancomb;
cfg.method = 'mtmconvol';
cfg.keeptrials = 'yes';
cfg.keeptapers = 'no';
cfg.foi = (1/timewin):(1/timewin):S.freqwin(2); % Frequency axis
cfg.foi = cfg.foi(cfg.foi>=S.freqwin(1));
numfoi = length(cfg.foi);
cfg.t_ftimwin = zeros(1,numfoi);
cfg.t_ftimwin(:) = timewin; % Time resolution
cfg.tapsmofrq = zeros(1,numfoi); % Initialize to zero
cfg.tapsmofrq(:) = 1/timewin; % Set initial resolution to 1/timewin
(i.e. 2.5 Hz) for all frequencis
cfg.tapsmofrq(cfg.foi>10*(1/timewin)) =
cfg.tapsmofrq(cfg.foi>50) = 5;
cfg.toi=(prestim+(timewin/2)):step:(poststim-(timewin/2)-1/data.fsample); %
Time axis
freq = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data);
%And the part for connectivityanalysis (which works for coherence, but
not for plv)
cfg.method = 'plv';
[stat] = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg, freqs)
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