read_header linux

Bobby Stojanoski stojanoski at UTSC.UTORONTO.CA
Fri Apr 16 17:50:13 CEST 2010

Hi Ingrid, and fellow fieldtrippers

 Thanks for your reply. Using the latest version of fieldtrip did the trick.

 I was also hoping to get some help with another issue I recently came
across. To increase computing power, I have switched my analysis over to a
computer running linux. The problem is when I run, freqanalysis, which uses
‘mytrialfun’, I get an error at hdr = read_header(cfg.dataset):

 ??? Error using ==> read_eep_cnt
Too many input arguments.

Error in ==> read_header at 830
    hdr = read_eep_cnt(filename, 1, 1);

Error in ==> mytrialfun at 28
hdr   = read_header(cfg.dataset);

 I followed the instructions from an earlier thread (Item #1211 (14 Jun 2007
16:33) - Re: read in EEProbe
with no success.

 The read_eep_cnt_mexglx file exists in the fieldtrip directory, and it does
seem to be reading it.

 Has anyone else had similar troubles using linux (ubuntu)?

Many thanks in advance!


Bobby Stojanoski
Ph.D. Candidate
CoNSens lab
Department of Psychology
University of Toronto Scarborough
stojanoski at

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