plots and stats with biosemi128.lay
Katya Vinnik
lulswinnik at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 23 19:19:23 CET 2009
Dear FT users,
has anyone of you encountered this warning?
Duplicate x-y data points detected: using average of the z values.
I'm simply plotting my data with
cfg.layout = 'biosemi128.lay';
and it gives me strange plots like the one here:
basically data from channels B19 and 21 and D22 and 24 are overlayed
(circled in red on the pictures).
This message appears also with topoplot functions. In the layout file,
howether ,positions of this electrodes are different (see below).
Do you think it can affect cluster-based multiple comparison correction?
For example, if I use
cfg.layout = 'biosemi128.lay';
cfg.correctm = 'cluster';
[stat] = freqstatistics(cfg,x,y)
does it calcultate it properly?
Thank you,
Best regards,
P.S. positions of this electrodes from biosemi128.lay:
51 0.521467 -0.301069 0.180000 0.140000 B19
53 0.602139 0.000000 0.180000 0.140000 B21
118 -1.404990 -0.000000 0.180000 0.140000 D22
120 -1.527114 -0.496189 0.180000 0.140000 D24
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