incomplete CSD Matrix
Michael Wibral
Mon Mar 2 14:02:17 CET 2009
Hi Frederic,
I suspect that the configuration of channels (electrodes / gradiometers) used for preprocessing the data and computing the CSD matrix is different from the one used in the creation of the grid / headmodel / leadfield. At least I have seen such a setup result in a very similar error.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "Frederic Roux" <fredericroux at HOTMAIL.DE>
> Gesendet: 27.02.09 11:02:47
> Betreff: [FIELDTRIP] incomplete CSD Matrix
Dear fieldtrip users,
> I am running sourceanalysis for different subjects. In 18 of 20
> sujbects everything works out, however for 2 subjects in particular I
> am getting the following error message:
> ???Error using==>fieldtrip-20081208/private/prepare_freq_matrices
> at201
> The cross-spectral-density matrix is not complete
> Error in==>sourceanalysis at 723
> [Cf, Cr, Pr, Ntrials , cfg] = prepare_freq_matrices(cfg, data);
> Error in==>computeLead fields at 105
> [pressource]= sourceanalysis(cfg,preTFdata);
> I checked the Cf matrix and found out that it contains 2 NaN entries.
> Does anyone have an idea what this could possibly be related to or
> what
> I should check my data for? I used exactly the same parameters as for
> all the other subjects.
> Best,
> Frederic
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