Problems with fieldtrip toolbox
Robert Oostenveld
r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Mon Feb 16 13:13:06 CET 2009
On 12 Feb 2009, at 17:12, Gatien Hocepied wrote:
> Dear all,
> I recently used your toolbox. In order to find the amplitude of
> several dipoles, I ran different functions of the toolbox. However,
> even the results seem to be correct for test signals, when I used
> these functions for my 25-ELEC EEG signals (time window : 10 sec,
> Fs : 250 Hz à 10000 samples), sometimes, even for only 2 dipoles,
> the results are not the same from one experiment to the other
> (obviously the initial positions are random)… I used regional non-
> linear technique. Would you have some clues for me ?
Dear Gatien
The strength of the fitted dipoles depends strongly on the position.
So if you see different dipole strength/moment, then you should check
whether the positions are the same.
The position that is found after dipole fitting, and especially for
multi-dipole models, can depend on the initial starting positions.
I.e., the dipoles can end up in a local minimum of the error
landscape, instead of the global minimum. To improve the robustness of
the dipole fitting approach, you should start the nonlinear search
with an initial location for your dipoles that is as close as possible
to the optimal location. So if you have some prior knowledge about
where your dipoles might be, then you should use that.
best regards,
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