Activation vs. baseline testing
Vladimir Litvak
v.litvak at ION.UCL.AC.UK
Mon Feb 2 14:19:41 CET 2009
Dear Ingmar,
clusterrandanalysis is the original implementation of cluster-based
statistical testing in FIeldtrip whereas freqstatistics is a newer and
more well structured and flexible implementation. If you are just
getting started, use freqstatistics.
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Ingmar Schneider
<Ingmar.Schneider at> wrote:
> Dear listusers,
> I am currently programming a script for the activation vs. baseline testing
> of MEG-data. As far as I can see from the fieldtrip documentation there are
> two functions incorporated (clusterrandanalysis and freqstatistics) that
> allow to compute such a test. It seems to me that both have a quite broad
> intersection of function.
> Do these functions differ in any way?
> Best regards,
> Ingmar
> --
> Ingmar Schneider
> Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung
> Deutschordenstraße 46
> D-60528 Frankfurt/Main
> Tel.: 069/6301-83221
> Fax: 069/96769-327
> Mail1: schneider at
> Mail2: ingmar.schneider at
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