meg-pd function "rawdata"
Masaki Maruyama
masaki.maruyama at CEA.FR
Wed Feb 4 16:55:51 CET 2009
The Fieldtrip function "preprocessing" cannot exactly detect timings of trials
from one of our MEG dataset recorded using Neuromag 306 ch MEG system.
The trials often precede by 0.1 second and sometimes delay by 0.9 second
with respect to the exact time. I looked into several programs and the output
of meg-pd function "rawdata" seems to be unusual. It reads the data file one
second by one second from the begining of data, and the rawdata('goto', T)
outputs a start time of read epoch as
rawdata('goto', 100.0) = 100.0
rawdata('goto', 100.1) = 100.0
rawdata('goto', 100.9) = 100.0
rawdata('goto', 101.0) = 101.0
These outputs are fine. However, in later period its output becomes
rawdata('goto', 102.0) = 102.0
rawdata('goto', 102.1) = 102.1
rawdata('goto', 102.2) = 102.1
rawdata('goto', 102.9) = 102.1
rawdata('goto', 103.0) = 102.1
rawdata('goto', 103.1) = 103.1
After 102.1 second the output delays by 0.1 second, which seems to be a
causal of the wrong time detection of trials. I cannot find out why it happened
in the MEG recording, but I like to see averaged fields from the data. Could
you please give me advices?
Thank you in advance for your kind advices.
Sincerely yours,
Masaki Maruyama
Inserm U.562 - Neuroimagerie Cognitive
Bât 145, Point Courrier 156
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