Baseline Problem
Michael Wibral
Tue May 20 15:22:55 CEST 2008
Dear Robert, dear Fieldtrippers,
I recently reported on some strange sensor signals that were complete on one side of the baseline. I have meanwhile run the checks Robert proposed to get the average fields throughout the baseline and I find values as high as 20fT, which I think is too much!? Maybe it's just something stupid in my code (attached below). Maybe it's related to the fact that we set the threshold for sensor jumps quite high (50)? We chose such a high value because the standard value would report sensor jumps in files where careful visual inspection didn' seem to find any...
% Preprocessing
% File selection
pathname = '/data/MEGArchive/data/meg/CTF_Data/MooneyFacesMEEG.proc/DATASETS/';
outpath = '/net/M036-LFS1/srv/data1/home1/ctillman/data/MooneyMEEGFieldtripAnalysis/MEG_Preprocessing/controls_chanjump50/';
% "Design matrix
% first Column: subject basefilename
% second column: vector of valid run numbers
% third column: name of trialfun for that particular subject
% fourth column: trial types as defined in the trialfunction (!)
% that should be analysed
Design = {
'ABA04_MooneyFacesMEEG_20070625_0', [1 2 3 4 5 6], 'mytrialfun_MooneyMEEG_FaceRightButton',[1 4];
for subject = 1:size(Design,1)
conditions = Design{subject,4}; % These are the correct trials
for conditioncount = 1:length(conditions)
DataOut = [];
OutFileName = strcat(outpath, 'PreprocNew1secbase_',Design{subject,1},'_cond_',...
for run = 1:size(Design{subject,2},2)
filename = strcat(Design{subject,1},num2str(Design{subject,2}(1,run)),'.ds');
fullname = strcat(pathname,filename);
disp('working on: ');
disp(strcat('# of run in Design is: ',num2str(Design{subject,2}(1,run))));
% Channel selection
cfg = []; = {'MEG', '-MLP12', '-MRC14', '-MLT41', '-MRC25', '-MRP56', '-MRT21', '-MLO21', '-MRO44', '-MRT47'}; % added -MLO21
% for compatibility because it is bad in some subjects
cfg.channelmeg = {'MEG' ...
'-MLP12' '-MRC14' '-MLT41'...
'-MRC25' '-MRP56' '-MRT21', '-MLO21','-MRO44','-MRT47'};
cfg.dataset = fullname;
% Trial definition
cfg.cond = conditions(conditioncount); % selection of one of the 4 possible conditions (see readme.txt)
cfg.trialfun = Design{subject,3};
cfg = definetrial(cfg);
% Artifact rejection = 'no';
cfg.artfctdef.eog.sgn = 'MRT41'; % selection of channel MRT41 as the pseudo EOG channel
cfg = artifact_eog(cfg); % automatic eye blinks rejection
cfg.artfctdef.jump.sgn = cfg.channelmeg; % selection of valid channels
cfg.artfctdef.jump.cutoff = 50;
cfg = artifact_jump(cfg); % automatic sensor jump rejection
cfg.artfctdef.muscle.cutoff = 6; % default = 4
cfg.artfctdef.muscle.sgn = cfg.channelmeg; % selection of valid channels
cfg = artifact_muscle(cfg); % automatic muscle activity rejection
cfg = rejectartifact(cfg);
% Baseline correction
cfg.blc = 'yes'; % baseline correction
cfg.blcwindow = [-0.5 -0.1];
cfg.detrend = 'yes';
preproc = preprocessing(cfg); % preprocessing
% Concatenate the data as necessary
if run <=1
DataOut1 = preproc; % buffer DataOut for the first concatenation
if run == 2
cfg = [];
DataOut = appenddata(cfg, DataOut1, preproc);
if run > 2
cfg = [];
DataOut = appenddata(cfg, DataOut, preproc);
end % end of run-loop
% write data for one subject and one condition to disk
save(OutFileName, 'DataOut');
end % end of condition loop
end % end of subject loop
exit; %exit MATLAB to free licence
% trialfunction
function trl = mytrialfun_MooneyMEEG_FaceRightButton(cfg);
hdr = read_fcdc_header(cfg.dataset);
event = read_fcdc_event(cfg.dataset);
pre = 1; % pretrigger interval in seconds
post = 1; % posttrigger interval in seconds
off = pre; % trigger offset into datapiece
trl1 = [];
trl2 = [];
trl3 = [];
trl4 = [];
trl5 = [];
trl6 = [];
trl7 = [];
trl8 = [];
for i = 1 : length(event)-2
switch event(i).type
case {'Upright'}
% it is a stimulus trigger, define a trial
begsample = event(i).sample - pre*hdr.Fs; % 1 second prestimulus data
endsample = event(i).sample + post*hdr.Fs - 1; % 1 second post stimulus data
offset = - off*hdr.Fs; % Position where the trigger initially was found
for j = 1 : 1 % change this number if intervening triggers are present
k = j
% added for faulty datasets from PEGE_...
if (strcmp(event(i+k).type,'UPPT001') | strcmp(event(i+k).type,'frontpanel trigger') )
k = k+1
if (strcmp(event(i+k).type,'frontpanel trigger') | strcmp(event(i+k).type,'UPPT001'))
k = k+1
% see to what condition it belongs by looking at the button press response
if strcmp(event(i+k).type,'ButtonNoFace')
trl1(end+1,:) = round([begsample endsample offset]);
end % end for
case {'Inverted'}
% it is a stimulus trigger, define a trial
begsample = event(i).sample - pre*hdr.Fs; % 0.5 second prestimulus data
endsample = event(i).sample + post*hdr.Fs - 1; % 1 second post stimulus data
offset = - off*hdr.Fs; % Position where the trigger initially was found
for j = 1 : 1 % change this number if intervening triggers are present
k = j
% added for faulty datasets from PEGE_...
if (strcmp(event(i+k).type,'UPPT001') | strcmp(event(i+k).type,'frontpanel trigger'))
k = k+1
if (strcmp(event(i+k).type,'frontpanel trigger') | strcmp(event(i+k).type,'UPPT001'))
k = k+1
if strcmp(event(i+k).type,'ButtonFace')
trl4(end+1,:) = round([begsample endsample offset]);
end % end for
end % end switch
end % end for
trl = eval(strcat('trl',num2str(cfg.cond))); % picking out the condition that was asked in cfg
% (not so elegant; TODO: change so that not all arrays trl1 ... trl8 are build at each call of the function)
trl = trl(2:end-1,:); % skip the first and last trial for potential boundary problems
cfg.trl = trl; % needed for compatibility with some later functions
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