NANs in Time frequency analysis.

Sameer Walawalkar sameer at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Thu Mar 29 16:20:56 CEST 2007


I am using the following settng to run time frequency analysis.

cfgTFR = [];
cfgTFR.output       = 'pow';      = 'MEG';
cfgTFR.method       = 'mtmconvol';
cfgTFR.foi          = 05 : 2 : 35;
cfgTFR.t_ftimwin    = 5./cfgTFR.foi;
cfgTFR.tapsmofrq    = 0.4 *cfgTFR.foi;
cfgTFR.toi          = 1:0.05:2.5;
cfgTFR.pad          = 'maxperlen';

TFRmult = freqanalysis(cfgTFR, data);

and find that the TFRplots for all channels (plottd using multiplot) are
always deep blue in the high time end, especially at low frequencies.

Inspection of TFR mult shows many NANs in the corresponding time regions.

Does anyone has any ideas about this?

thanks for your reply.


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