write_tri.m file and results from volplot

Brian Roach Brian.Roach at YALE.EDU
Mon Mar 12 23:12:08 CET 2007

Hi all,

I am using this example script:

To construct a headmodel for EEG source analysis.  I have attached the
result from a call to:


I am new to this, and wonder how to judge the success of this script in
creating a new model.  What kinds of things do I want to see in this plot,
or the volplot of the skin, skull, or brain, individually?  The example
script says that it requires a lot of trial and error, so I am assuming
that just running that script is not all that is necessary, but I do not know.

Related to this, the prepare_bemmodel.m script calls a function
"write_tri.m" when using the dipoli option.  I need this script and hope
someone can send it to me.


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