No subject

Sameer Walawalkar sameer at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Wed Feb 28 21:59:52 CET 2007


I am currently experimenting with beamformers and was playing with
to generate the grid.

I did the following

vol   = [];
vol.r = 12 * [0.88 0.92 1.00]; % radii of spheres, the head radius is 12
vol.c = [1 1/80 1];            % conductivity
vol.o = [0 0 0];              % center of sphere

% compute the leadfields that can be used for the beamforming
cfg            = [];
cfg.vol        = vol;
cfg.resolution = 2;  % same unit as above, i.e. in cm
grid = prepare_leadfield(cfg, dataPre);

(I expect prepare_leadfield to pick up grad definitions from the data)

??? Error using ==> fieldtrip/private/compute_leadfield
different number of spheres for the radius and origin

Error in ==> prepare_leadfield at 209
   grid.leadfield{dipindx} = compute_leadfield(grid.pos(dipindx,:), sens,
vol, 'reducerank', cfg.reducerank, 'normalize', cfg.normalize);

Error in ==> SomeMaster at 15
grid = prepare_leadfield(cfg, dataPre);

To get around this error, I change vol to

vol.o = [0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0  ];

??? Error using ==> fieldtrip/private/compute_leadfield
number of spheres is not equal to the number of coils

Error in ==> prepare_leadfield at 209
   grid.leadfield{dipindx} = compute_leadfield(grid.pos(dipindx,:), sens,
vol, 'reducerank', cfg.reducerank, 'normalize', cfg.normalize);

Error in ==> SomeMaster at 15
grid = prepare_leadfield(cfg, dataPre);

I thought this might be due to the 4 HPI coils, so I changed vol to
vol.r = 12 * [0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00];
vol.o = [0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0  ];

but it was of no use.

Any suggestions?


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