Various ICA warnings and failures
Sameer Walawalkar
sameer at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Fri Feb 23 20:39:53 CET 2007
thanks, This fixed the rank problem.
With the new pop_runica, runica worked very fast on the ICA
but the ICAs don't seem to make sense at all. As I said in the earlier
email, they all look the same except for overall scale issues.
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, arno wrote:
> The rank problem might be related to this issue on 64-bit machines
> Best,
> Arno
> Sameer Walawalkar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This mail has 3 questions related to implementing ICA is fieldtrip.
>> 1)
>> I am now getting the following warnings from runica
>> I am getting these messages while doing ICA on a datafile which contains
>> sss MaxFiltered data (Elekta Neuromag). When I visually inspect the
>> independent components, they seem fairly identical to me. Their basic time
>> structure seems to be same, just the scale is different.
>> Prior to this, I had run ICA on the same datafile but with no MaxFiltering
>> (or SSP projection for that matter).
>> Final training data range: -0.00443438 to 0.00355995
>> Computing the sphering matrix...
>> Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
>> Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 2.156998e-29.
>>> In runica at 774
>> In componentanalysis at 331
>> Starting weights are the identity matrix ...
>> Sphering the data ...
>> Beginning ICA training ...
>> Data has rank 286. Cannot compute 307 components.
>> Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
>> Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 2.155705e-29.
>>> In componentanalysis at 437
>> total time in componentanalysis 160.6 seconds
>> 2)
>> binica on this datafile just hangs, after one learning, it sends nan and
>> just hangs.
>> 3)
>> Fast ICA is giving me following errors
>>>> compRR_One_fastica_sss = componentanalysis(cfg,dataRR_One);
>> Warning: cannot determine whether the FASTICA toolbox is present
>>> In fieldtrip/private/hastoolbox at 121
>> In componentanalysis at 176
>> Warning: adding FASTICA toolbox to your Matlab path
>>> In fieldtrip/private/hastoolbox at 145
>> In componentanalysis at 176
>> Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: fastica.
>>> In path at 113
>> In addpath at 100
>> In fieldtrip/private/hastoolbox at 146
>> In componentanalysis at 176
>> selecting 307 channels
>> baseline correcting data
>> concatenating data..............................
>> concatenated data matrix size 307x120030
>> starting decomposition using fastica
>> Number of signals: 307
>> Number of samples: 120030
>> Calculating covariance...
>> ??? Error using ==> componentanalysis
>> call to fastica failed
>> But when I do
>>>> which fastica
>> /mnt/condor2/sameer/KarmaCond/DataNeuroMagCondor2/MegSoftwareCondor2/FastICA_2.5/FastICA_25/fastica.m
>>>> exist('fastica','file') (as seen in hastoolbox)
>> ans =
>> 2
>> thanks,
>> sameer
>> p.s: I am currently running varimax on the sssed data and binica on the non
>> sssed to see what happens.
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