sourceanalysis.m on EEG data

Till Schneider t.schneider at UKE.UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Tue Feb 13 17:26:18 CET 2007

Dear Brian,

I`ve worked with the prepare_bemmodel script for constructing a forward
model for source localization of EEG data. Find attached a little
tutorial with the steps I took for creating the BEM from an individual
MRI. The plan is to put it also on the fieldtrip wiki (sooner or later).
Please let me know if you have questions on this tutorial.

Hope this helps,

Robert Oostenveld schrieb:
> The prepare_bemmodel function is in the zip file on the ftp server.
> The dipoli executable is attached to this mail. There exists only a
> linux i386 and an apple PPC version. You are not permitted to
> distribute the dipoli executable, it is not covered under the GPL
> license but made available courtesy of Thom Oostendorp.
> best regards,
> Robert
> On 12 Feb 2007, at 22:32, Brian Roach wrote:
>> Where can I find these functions listed below?
>> % the prepare_bemmodel function is available upon request % the
>> dipoli stand-alone executable is available upon request

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