Neuromag specifications in Fieldtrip

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Mon Mar 13 21:05:15 CET 2006

Hi Jaacko

If you go to
id=fieldtrip:documentation:frequently_asked_questions and scroll down
to "How can I import my own dataformat?", you can read the structure
of the raw data format (i.e. the format that Jan-Mathijs mentioned at
the end of his mail). In case yu want to topoplot: you should use the
2D locations and make a layout file (*.lay) for it. Please open one
of the (plan ascii) layout files in a text editor (e.g. NM122.lay).

With the data that you describe, you should be able to do all channel
level analyses (but not source analyses, since that requires more
information, like the location and orientation of all individual MEG


On 13 Mar 2006, at 10:26, Jaakko Sarela wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to use the Fieldtrip package to analyse a data from
> Neuromag 306 channel device (actually, I only have the 204 gradiometer
> channels).
> However, I do not have access to the fif-files, so standard approach
> using Fieltrip does not work. I have the following information:
> - data file (as a matrix in MATLAB)
> - the channel locations (in VVchs_flat.txt, 2D or VVchs.txt, 3D)
> Based on this information, is it possible to use the Fieldtrip package
> for subsequent analysis? What information do I need to specify,
> before I
> can for instance, plot fields on certain time locations, using
> topoplotER?

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