importing .avg neuroscan files

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Mon Dec 4 11:40:52 CET 2006

Hi Thomas,

On 3 Dec 2006, at 3:04, Thomas Thesen wrote:
> I saw on the FieldTrip web site that you have a function to import
> average .avg files from Neuroscan. When I looked at
> read_fcdc_header.m I only found import routines for continous .cnt
> files from Neuroscan, but not for the .avg files. Did I look in the
> wrong place?

You are correct, that is missing. Please put attached updated
functions in fieldtrip/private and let me know whether it works
(private mail is ok).

If you have access to neuroscan software, could you please also check
whether the Nth or the (N+1)th sample should be attached with the
time zero? I.e. there is a one-sample uncertainly regarding the
offset in samples and the time-axis that fieldtrip associates with
the data. For the demo Neuroscan *.avg file that I have the
hdr.nSamplesPre=250, which means that in fieldtrip the 251th sample
would be associated with time=0. I can also imagine that the
Neuroscan header should be interpreted in a way so that the 250th
sample is ascociated with time=0. I hope that this problem/question
is clear and that you can aid in clarifying it.


PS the updated files will also be in the next ftp release

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