Reading data with trialfun_general

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Mon Dec 4 10:43:31 CET 2006

On 30 Nov 2006, at 10:40, Michael Wibral wrote:
> i.e. it changes it from the first three numbers bigger than 1 to the
> first three odd numbers that are bigger than one.
> Is it possible that there is still some frontpanel+backpanel binary
> addition going on - even in trialfun_general?

What is the cfg.trialdef.eventvalue that us specify, 'UPPT001' or
'backpanel trigger'? It should be the 'UPPT001', since that does not
undergo the splitting of the values.

Line 253-267 from private/read_event should be responsible for
reading your UPPT001. There is one line there related to the signed
vs unsigned nature of the data, which may have the effect that you
describe (but unlikely).

I suggest that you use the matlab debugger and set a breakpoint there
in the code to plot "trig" and to look at the code in detail. Please
let me know whether you can locate the problem. Alternatively, put a
copy of your dataset (in a tar or zip file) on our ftp server: ftp:// and I will have a look.


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