No subject

Talsma D D.Talsma at PSY.VU.NL
Wed May 18 15:49:08 CEST 2005

Hi Everybody,

I'm trying to read a ctf, which was collected at the VUMC MEG center in
Amsterdam, using fieldtrip. I've tried tried reading the data with as
well as without Darren Weber's ctf code. Anyways, I'm following the
fieldtrip example code pretty closely (see below) and both attempts have
resulted in the error messages attached below stating that a function or
variable named coil2_pos is missing.

Any help would be appreciated.



Since this is my first post to this list, I would like to thank
everybody involved in making this stuff work.

[matlab script]
cfg                            = [];
cfg.dataset                    = 'PP01_20040716_Eriksen.ds';                    = {'MEG' 'STIM'};
cfg.trialdef.excludeConditions = {'BAD'};
cfg.trialdef.includeTrigger    = [];
cfg.trialdef.excludeTrigger    = [];
cfg.trialdef.prestim           = 0.1;
cfg.traildef.poststim          = 0.1;

dataFIC = preprocessing(cfg);

[error messages]
Warning: Divide by zero.
> In
es4 at 194
  In fieldtrip\private\read_ctf_trigger at 56
  In read_fcdc_event at 99
  In definetrial at 196
  In preprocessing at 239
  In tfanalysis at 10
Warning: not adding event information to the output configuration
> In definetrial at 205
  In preprocessing at 239
  In tfanalysis at 10
Warning: Divide by zero.
> In
es4 at 194
  In fieldtrip\private\read_ctf_trigger at 56
  In definetrial at 403
  In preprocessing at 239
  In tfanalysis at 10
??? Undefined function or variable "coil2_pos".

Error in ==>
es4 at 226

Error in ==> fieldtrip\private\read_ctf_trigger at 56
hdr = read_ctf_res4(headerfile);

Error in ==> definetrial at 403
  triggerChan = read_ctf_trigger(cfg.dataset);

Error in ==> preprocessing at 239
[cfg] = definetrial(cfg);

Error in ==> tfanalysis at 10
dataFIC = preprocessing(cfg);

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