simulation of a dataset with multiple dipoles

Robert Oostenveld r.oostenveld at FCDONDERS.RU.NL
Fri Jul 29 16:45:01 CEST 2005

Hi Florian,

On 28-jul-2005, at 20:21, Florian Ph.S Fischmeister wrote:

> I am trying to simulate an EEG dataset containing multiple dipoles.
> I do
> understand, that I can have a single dipole with a different moment
> and
> time course per trial using cell-arrays. But how can I obtain multiple
> dipoles? Is it correct to simulate one dataset per dipol and than sum
> the different datasets?

Here is some sample Matlab code that hopefully explains step by step
how to construct a forward simulated potential distribution.

% create a set of electrodes, randomly placed on the sphere
elec = [];
elec.pnt = randn(128,3);
dum = sqrt(sum(elec.pnt.^2,2));
elec.pnt = elec.pnt ./ [dum dum dum];  % scale them to a unit sphere
for i=1:128
   elec.label{i} = sprintf('%03d', i);

I suggest that you do not use these electrodes, but instead that you
get more meaningfull electrode locations (see for example http://

% create a concentric 3-sphere volume conductor, the radius is the
same as for the electrodes
vol = [];
vol.r = [0.88 0.92 1.00]; % radii of spheres
vol.c = [1 1/80 1];       % conductivity
vol.o = [0 0 0];          % center of sphere

% create a dipole simulation with one dipole and a 10Hz sine wave
cfg = [];
cfg.vol  = vol;             % see above
cfg.elec = elec;            % see above
cfg.dip.pos = [0 0.5 0.3]; = [1 0 0]';     % note, it should be transposed
cfg.dip.frequency = 10;
cfg.ntrials = 10;
cfg.triallength = 1;        % seconds
cfg.fsample = 250;          % Hz
raw1 = dipolesimulation(cfg);
avg1 = timelockanalysis([], raw1);
plot(avg1.time, avg1.avg);  % plot the timecourse

% create a dipole simulation with one dipole and a custom timecourse
cfg = [];
cfg.vol  = vol;               % see above
cfg.elec = elec;              % see above
cfg.dip.pos = [0 0.5 0.3]; = [1 0 0]';       % note, it should be transposed
cfg.fsample = 250;            % Hz
time = (1:250)/250;           % manually create a time axis
signal = sin(10*time*2*pi);   % manually create a signal
cfg.dip.signal = {signal, signal, signal};  % three trials
raw2 = dipolesimulation(cfg);
avg2 = timelockanalysis([], raw2);
plot(avg2.time, avg2.avg);    % plot the timecourse

% create a dipole simulation with two dipoles and a custom timecourse
cfg = [];
cfg.vol  = vol;    % see above
cfg.elec = elec;   % see above
cfg.dip.pos = [
   0  0.5 0.3       % dipole 1
   0 -0.5 0.3       % dipole 2
   ]; = [     % each row represents [qx1 qy1 qz1 qx2 qy2 qz2]
   1 0 0 0 0 0       % this is how signal1 contributes to the 6
dipole components
   0 0 0 1 0 0       % this is how signal2 contributes to the 6
dipole components
   ]';               % note, it should be transposed
time = (1:250)/250;
signal1 = sin(10*time*2*pi);
signal2 = cos(15*time*2*pi);
cfg.dip.signal = {[signal1; signal2]}; % one trial only
cfg.fsample = 250;                     % Hz
raw3 = dipolesimulation(cfg);
avg3 = timelockanalysis([], raw3);

> Currently I am using a 4 spherical shell model with
>   cfg.vol.r = [71 72 79 85];
>   cfg.vol.c = [0.3300 1 0.0042 0.3300];
>   cfg.vol.o = [0 0 0];
> taken from EEGLAB.
> What are the correct steps to obtain a BEM forward head-model based
> on an MRI
> for an individual electrode setting for dipolesimulation.

Fieldtrip does not contain code for segmenting an anatomical MRI in
such a way that one could make a BEM model out of it. Furthermore,
Fieldtrip also does not (yet) contain code for triangulating such a
segmentation and computing the BEM forward model. You can however use
an externally computed BEM model, but the only external software that
is supported is ASA (see Perhaps you can
download a demo version of that commercial software there, including
a BEM model that you can use inside Fieldtrip. EEG BEM models is
going to be supported more extensively in Fieldtrip, and also in the
upcoming eeglab- dipfit version 2.0 plugin, but for the moment we
cannot not support more than this yet.

> Finaly, I want to check the simulation using the dipolefitting routine
> included in fieldtrip. Could you please provide some information on
> how
> the appropriate cfg should look like.

% do a dipole fit of the first simulated dataset
cfg = []
cfg.vol  = vol;         % see above
cfg.elec = elec;        % see above
cfg.dip.pos = [0 0 0];  % initial search position
cfg.gridsearch = 'no';
dip1 = dipolefitting(cfg, avg1);

% or start with an exhaustive search on a coarse grid
cfg = []
cfg.vol  = vol;         % see above
cfg.elec = elec;        % see above
cfg.gridsearch = 'yes';
cfg.xgrid = linspace(-1,1,5);
cfg.ygrid = linspace(-1,1,5);
cfg.zgrid = linspace(-1,1,5);
dip2 = dipolefitting(cfg, avg1);

You should be aware that an exhaustive search only works for a single
dipole, for two dipoles you always have to specify a starting
location for the nonlinear search.

best regards,

Robert Oostenveld, PhD
F.C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
Radboud University Nijmegen
phone: +31-24-3619695

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