[clean-list] How can I select/unselect a custom control ?
Peter Achten
P.Achten at cs.ru.nl
Thu May 19 13:51:51 MEST 2011
Dear Maurizio,
The selectstate of a control tells whether the control accepts (Able) or does not accept (Unable) keyboard/mouse input. In your example, its initial selectstate is Able. To change the selectstate, use
the functions enableControl and disableControl. For instance, add the following control to your dialog:
{ newLS = True
, newDef = ButtonControl "Enable/Disable" [ControlFunction (toggle id1)]
and include its callback function:
toggle id1 (able,pst)
= (not able,appPIO (if able disableControl enableControl id1) pst)
This creates a button control with a local boolean state (initially True), that, when clicked, toggles the current selectstate of the custom control.
Object I/O has no support for telling a control whether or not the mouse is entering or leaving a control. I am not sure if that is what you're after.
On 5/17/2011 11:14 AM, Ferreira Maurizio wrote:
> How can I select/unselect a custom control ?
> It seems to me there are no functions to set/unset the select state of a custom control,
> neither it changes state as you click on it or on another control in the same dialog.
> In the following example I would like to change from selected state (Red) to Unselected (Green).
> Any suggestion ?
> Regards
> Maurizio
> module hello
> import StdEnv, StdIO
> Start world
> #(ids,world) = openIds 2 world
> = startIO NDI "ps" (snd o openDialog 1 (hello ids) ) [ProcessClose closeProcess] world
> where
> hello [id1,id2] = Dialog "Hello dialog"
> (CustomControl {w=50,h=30} showcustom [ ControlPos (Left, zero)
> , ControlId id1
> , ControlSelectState Able
> , ControlFunction myfun
> ]
> :+:
> EditControl "" (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ControlPos (Left, zero), ControlId id2]
> )
> [ WindowClose (noLS closeProcess)
> , WindowViewSize {w=150, h=80}
> , WindowPos (Fix, OffsetVector {vx=400, vy=350})
> ]
> myfun st = st
> showcustom Able {newFrame} picture
> # picture = setPenColour Red picture
> = fill newFrame picture
> showcustom Unable {newFrame} picture
> # picture = setPenColour Green picture
> = fill newFrame picture
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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