[clean-list] How can I select/unselect a custom control ?

John van Groningen johnvg at cs.ru.nl
Wed May 18 17:56:07 MEST 2011

On 17-5-2011 11:14, Ferreira Maurizio wrote:
> How can I select/unselect a custom control ?
> It seems to me there are no functions to set/unset the select state of a custom control,
> neither it changes state as you click on it or on another control in the same dialog.
> In the following example I would like to change from selected state (Red) to Unselected (Green).
> Any suggestion ?

Maybe disableControl and enableControl from StdControl ?

After adding :

	,ControlMouse(\x->True) Able (mouse_function id1)

   mouse_function id1 ms (x,st)
     # st = {st & io=disableControl id1 st.io}
     = (x,st)

the button turns green if I move the mouse over it.

Kind regards,

John van Groningen

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