[clean-list] PEPM 2008 Call For Participation -- ACM SIGPLAN
Workshop on Partial
Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (with POPL 2008)
John Hatcliff
hatcliff at cis.ksu.edu
Fri Dec 28 20:37:16 MET 2007
P E P M 2 0 0 8
Call for Participation
Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
January 7-8, 2008
San Francisco, California USA
co-located with POPL 2008
PEPM 2008 site: http://www.program-transformation.org/PEPM08
Registration: http://www.regmaster.com/conf/popl2008.html
The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers
and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation,
partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on
techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis and
manipulation of programs.
The 2008 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of
semantics-based program manipulation and continue last year's
successful effort to expand the scope of PEPM significantly beyond the
traditionally covered areas of partial evaluation and specialization
and include practical applications of program transformations such as
refactoring tools, and practical implementation techniques such as
rule-based transformation systems. In addition, the scope of PEPM
covers manipulation and transformations of program and system
representations such as structural and semantic models that occur in
the context of model-driven development.
Invited Talks
* Monica Lam: Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for
Securing Web Applications.
* Ras Bodik. Program Synthesis by Sketching.
PEPM 2008 Program
* Monday, January 7, 2008
- Opening: 8:45 - 9:00
- Invited Talk 1: 9:00 - 10:00
Monica Lam: Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for
Securing Web Applications.
- Coffee break
- Session 1: 10:30 - 12:00 (Staging and Program Manipulation)
Isabella Mastroeni, Damiano Zanardini. Data dependencies and
program slicing: From syntax to abstract semantics.
Djoko Djoko Simplice, Rémi Douence, Pascal Fradet.
Aspects Preserving Properties.
Yukiyoshi Kameyama, Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan.
Closing the Stage: From staged code to typed closures.
- Lunch
- Session 2: 13:30 - 15:30 (Program Transformation and Derivation)
Janis Voigtländer. Proving correctness via free theorems.
The case of the destroy/build-rule.
Torben Mogensen. Semi-Inversion of Functional Parameters.
Shin-Cheng Mu. Maximum Segment Sum is Back -
Deriving Algorithms for Two Segment Problems with Bounded Lengths.
Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson. Tool Support for Refactoring
Functional Programs (Tool Demonstration).
- Coffee break
- Session 3: 16:00 - 17:30 (Program Optimization)
Stephen A. Edwards and Jia Zeng. Static Elaboration of Recursion
for Concurrent Software.
Jakob Puchinger and Peter Stuckey.
Automating Branch-and-Bound for Dynamic Programs.
Ando Saabas and Tarmo Uustalu.
Proof optimization for partial redundancy elimination.
* Tuesday, January 8, 2008
- Invited Talk 2: 9:00 - 10:00
Ras Bodik. Program Synthesis by Sketching.
- Coffee break
- Session 4: 10:30 - 12:00 (Partial Evaluation)
Ping Zhu, Siau-Cheng Khoo.
Specialization for Applications Using Shared Libraries.
Boris Feigin, Alan Mycroft.
Jones Optimality and Hardware Virtualization.
Corneliu Popeea, Dana N. Xu, Wei-Ngan Chin.
A Practical Inference and Specializer for Array Bound
Checks Elimination.
- Lunch
- Session 5: 13:30 - 15:30 (Parsing and Functional Programming)
Alessandro Warth, James Douglass and Todd Millstein.
Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion.
Nic Volanschi and Christian Rinderknecht.
Unparsed Patterns: Easy User-Extensibility of Program
Manipulation Tools.
Jurriaan Hage, Stefan Holdermans. Heap Recycling for Lazy Languages.
Daniel Prusa and Jan Jancura.
Generic Framework for Integration of Programming
Languages into Net Beans IDE (Tool Demonstration).
- Coffee break
- Session 6: 16:00 - 17:30 (Verification and Synthesis)
Jennifer Gillenwater, Gregory Malecha, Cherif Salama,
Angela Yun Zhu, Walid Taha, Jim Grundy, John O'Leary.
Synthesizable High Level Hardware Descriptions.
Nik Sultana, Simon Thompson.
Mechanical verification of refactorings.
Pawel Pietrzak, Jesús Correas Fernández, German Puebla,
Manuel Hermenegildo.
A Practical Type Analysis for Verification of Modular
Prolog Programs.
PEPM 2008 Organization
Program Chairs
Robert Glück (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Oege de Moor (Oxford University, UK)
General Chair
John Hatcliff (Kansas State University)
Program Committee Members
Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
Lennart Augustsson (Credit Suisse, UK)
Martin Bravenboer (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Cristiano Calcagno (Imperial College London, UK)
Robert M. Fuhrer (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Shan Shan Huang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Patricia Johann (Rutgers University, USA)
Siau-Cheng Khoo (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Anne-Françoise Le Meur (University of Science and Technology Lille, France)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Klaus Ostermann (University of Technology Darmstadt, Germany)
Markus Püschel (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Sergei Romanenko (Keldysh Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Mads Rosendahl (University of Roskilde, Denmark)
Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Todd Veldhuizen (University of Waterloo, Canada)
German Vidal (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
Tetsuo Yokoyama (Nagoya University, Japan)
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