[clean-list] [isaim2008] Call for Participation: Tenth Int'l Symp.
on AI and Math (ISAIM 2008)
Mehran Sahami
sahami at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Nov 8 03:11:51 MET 2007
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]
Tenth International Symposium on
ISAIM 2008
January 2-4, 2008
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, December 20, 2007
- HOTEL RESERVATION (book your room ASAP)
The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics
(ISAIM) is a biennial meeting that fosters interactions between
mathematics, theoretical computer science, and artificial
intelligence. This is the tenth Symposium in the series, which is
sponsored by Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.
Traditionally, the Symposium attracts participants from a variety of
disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for scientific exchange.
The three-day Symposium includes invited speakers, presentations of
technical papers, and special topic sessions.
o David McAllester, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USA
"Mathematical Problems from Machine Learning"
o Francesca Rossi, Padova University, Italy
"Preference Reasoning"
o Naftali Tishby, The Hebrew University, Israel
"Extracting Relevant Information from Samples"
o Logic in Artificial Intelligence
-Special Session in Honor of the 65th Birthday of Victor Marek
-Organized by Michael Kaminski and Mirek Truszczynski.
* Howard Blair (Syracuse University)
Hybrid Programs: Symmetrically Combining Natively Discrete and
Continuous Truth-values in a Single Logic Programming Formalism
* Alex Bochman (Holon Academic Institute of Technology)
Default Logic: Representation and Computation
* Marc Denecker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) and John Schlipf
(University of Cincinnati)
Complexity of First Order ID Logic
* Thomas Eiter (Technische Universität Wien)
Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs
* Mel Fitting (City University of New York)
Explicit Logics of Knowledge and Conservativity
* Michael Gelfond (Texas Tech University)
Integrated inference engine for Answer Set Prolog - preliminary report
* Georg Gottlob (Oxford University)
Asymptotic Conditional Probability in Modal Logic: A
Probabilistic Reconstruction of Nonmonotonic Logic
* Johann Makowsky (Technion)
From Hilbert's program to a logic toolbox: Reflections on
teaching logic to Computer Science students
* Ilkka Niemela (Helsinki University of Technology)
Answer Set Programming and Difference Logic
* Jeff Remmel (University of California at San Diego)
A Mathematician Looks at Answer Set Programming
o Computation and Social Choice
-Organized by Toby Walsh, NICTA and University of New South Wales
* Vincent Conitzer (Duke University)
* Edith Elkind (University of Southampton)
* Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam)
* John Hooker (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Arkadii Slinko (University of Auckland)
o Effective Exploration in Active Learning and Reinforcement Learning
-Organized by Pascal Poupart, University of Waterloo
* Sanjoy Dasgupta (University of California, San Diego)
* Joelle Pineau (McGill University)
* Doina Precup (McGill University)
* Irina Rish (IBM Research)
* Alexander L. Strehl (Yahoo Research)
For registration information, please see the website:
The deadline for early registration is December 20, 2007.
For hotel information information, please see the website:
The block reservation cutoff date at the Symposium hotel is December
2nd, 2007. Please note that rooms will be difficult to find because
of the Orange Bowl. We strongly recommend making your room
reservations as early as possible.
o General Chair: Martin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa
o Conference Chair: Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University
o Program Co-Chairs: Berthe Y. Choueiry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
and Bob Givan, Purdue University
o Publicity Chair: Mehran Sahami, Stanford University
Michael Bowling University of Alberta
Ronen Brafman Ben-Gurion University
Yixin Chen Washington University in St Louis
Vincent Conitzer Duke University
Rina Dechter University of California, Irvine
Thomas Eiter Technische Universitaet Wien
Alan Fern Oregon State University
Hector Geffner Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Carla P. Gomes Cornell University
Georg Gottlob Oxford University
Eric Hansen Mississipi State University
Milos Hauskrecht University of Pittsburgh
Malte Helmert Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
Michael Kaminski Technion
Kristian Kersting Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roni Khardon Tufts University
Sven Koenig University of Southern California
Richard Korf University of California, Los Angeles
Manolis Koubarakis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Gerhard Lakemeyer Aachen University of Technology
Guy Lebanon Purdue University-West Lafayette
Hector Levesque University of Toronto
Kevin Leyton-Brown University of British Columbia
Karl Lieberherr Northeastern University
Vladimir Lifschitz University of Texas, Austin
Alan K. Mackworth University of British Columbia
Michela Milano Universita di Bologna
Brian Milch Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bernhard Nebel Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
David Page University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ronald Parr Duke University
Pascal Poupart University of Waterloo
Henri Prade IRIT and Universite de Toulouse
Steven Prestwich Cork Constraint Computation Center
Jussi Rintanen NICTA
Jeff Rosenschein The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Wheeler Ruml University of New Hampshire
Andrea Schaerf University of Udine
Bart Selman Cornell University
Meinolf Sellmann Brown University
Jude W. Shavlik University of Wisconsin, Madison
Thomas Stuetzle Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Miroslaw Truszczynski University of Kentucky
Hudson Turner University of Minnesota, Duluth
Peter van Beek University of Waterloo
Toby Walsh NICTA and University of New South Wales
Nic Wilson Cork Constraint Computation Center
Michael Wooldridge University of Liverpool
Neil Yorke-Smith SRI International
Luke Zettlemoyer Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Weixiong Zhang Washington University
Shlomo Zilberstein University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The Editor-in-Chief (Martin Charles Golumbic) and the members of the
Editorial Board of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
serve as the permanent Advisory Committee of the Symposium.
The Symposium is partially supported by:
o Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
o Caesarea Rothschild Institute at the University of Haifa
o Florida Atlantic University (Department of Mathematical Sciences)
o Florida-Israel Institute
o Google Inc.
o Intelligent Information Systems Institute (IISI) at Cornell University
o Microsoft Research
ISAIM 2008 is held in cooperation with AAAI.
Send inquiries and requests: isaim2008 AT cse.unl.edu.
Check symposium web-page: http://isaim2008.unl.edu.
Join isaim at googlegroups.com to receive announcements related to ISAIM.
Estimating the Number of Local Maxima for k-SAT Instances
Andreas Albrecht, Peter Lane , Kathleen Steinhoefel
Hard Sat and CSP Instances with Expander Graphs
Carlos Ansotegui, Ramon Bejar, Cesar Fernandez, Carles Mateu
More Flexible Term Schematisations via Extended Primal Grammars
Vincent Aravantinos, Ricardo Caferra, Nicolas Peltier
Formalising Interaction-Situated Semantic Alignment: The Communication
Manuel Atencia, Marco Schorlemmer
Scalable Action Respecting Embedding
Michael Biggs, Ali Ghodsi, Dana Wilkinson, Michael Bowling
A Lazy Approach to Online Learning with Constraints
Kveton Branislav, Jia Yuan Yu, Georgios Theocharous, Shie Mannor
Continuous-State POMDPs with Hybrid Dynamics
Emma Brunskill, Leslie Kaelbling, Tomas Lozano-Perez, Nicholas Roy
A Connection between Cantor-Bendixson Derivatives and the Well-Founded
Semantics of Logic Programs
Douglas Cenzer, Jeffrey Remmel
An Interpretation of Consistent Belief Functions in terms of
Simplicial Complexes
Fabio Cuzzolin
Boolean and Matroidal Independence in Uncertainty Theory
Fabio Cuzzolin
Tradeoffs in Backdoor Detection for Sat and Unsat Formulas
Bistra Dilkina, Carla Gomes, Ashish Sabharwal
Paired Sampling in Density-Sensitive Active Learning
Pinar Donmez, Jaime Carbonell
Reinforcement Learning with Limited Reinforcement: Using Bayes Risk
for Active Learning in POMDPs
Finale Doshi, Joelle Pineau, Nicholas Roy
Best-First Search with Maximum Edge Cost Functions
P. Alex Dow, Richard Korf
Sampling for Approximate Inference in Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
Yu Fan, Christian Shelton
A Fast Way to Produce Optimal Fixed-Depth Decision Trees
Alireza Farhangfar, Russell Greiner, Martin Zinkevich
Practical Methods for Exploiting Bounds on Change in the Margin
Andrew Guillory, Jeff Bilmes
Planning Aims for a Network of Horizontal and Overhead Sensors
Erik Halvorson, Ronald Parr
Rare Class Discovery Based on Active Learning
Jingrui He, Jaime Carbonell
Minimal Residual Approaches for Learning to Predict in Large
Sparse Markov Chains
Yao Hengshuai, Liu Zhiqiang
On The Power of Clause Learning
Philipp Hertel, Fahiem Bacchus, Toniann Pitassi, Daniel Zabawa
Classifier Utility Visualization by Distance-Preserving Projection
of High Dimensional Performance D
Nathalie Japkowicz, Pritika Sanghi, Peter Tischer
Solving Structured Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes
Kin Fai Kan, Christian Shelton
A Bayesian Approach to Cluster Validation
Hoyt Koepke, Bertrand Clarke
Leveraging Belief Propagation, Backtrack Search, and Statistics for
Model Counting
Lukas Kroc, Bart Selman, Ashish Sabharwal
Combinatorial problems for Horn clauses
Marina Langlois, Dhruv Mubayi, Robert Sloan, Gyorgy Turan
Efficient Value-Function Approximation via Online Linear Regression
Lihong Li, Michael Littman
A Refutation Approach to Local Interchangeability in CSPs
Chavalit Likitvivatanavong, Roland Yap
A Polynomial-time Nash Equilibrium Algorithm for Repeated Stochastic Games
Enrique Munoz de Cote, Michael Littman
Approximate Solutions of Interactive POMDPs Using Point Based Value
Dennis Perez, Prashant Doshi
Order-based Discriminative Structure Learning for Bayesian Network
Franz Pernkopf, Jeff Bilmes
A Successive Approximation Algorithm for Coordination Problems
Marek Petrik, Shlomo Zilbertstein
Approximation Techniques for Space-Efficient Compilation in
Abductive Inference
Gregory Provan
Extending the Bellman equation for MDPs to Continuous Actions and Continuous
Time in the Discounted Case
Emmanuel Rachelson, Frédérick Garcia
Predictive Linear-Gaussian Models of Dynamical Systems with
Vector-Valued Actions and Observations
Matthew Rudary, Satinder Singh
On the Relationship between Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs
and Stochastic Satisfiability
Emad Saad
Lifting Techniques for Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems
T. K. Satish Kumar
Probabilistic Sequential Diagnosis by Compilation
Sajjad Siddiqi, Jinbo Huang
Approximation strategies for Routing in Stochastic Dynamic Networks
Tomas Singliar, Milos Hauskrecht
Using Abstraction for Generalized Planning
Siddharth Srivastava, Neil Immerman, Shlomo Zilbertstein
Building Incomplete but Accurate Models
Erik Talvitie, Britton Wolfe, Satinder Singh
Declarative Programming of Search Problems with Built-in Arithmetic
Eugenia Ternovska, David Mitchell
Verifying RUP Proofs of Propositional Unsatisfiability
Allen Van Gelder
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