[clean-list] Call for Papers -- TESTCOM/FATES 2008
Ulrich, Andreas
andreas.ulrich at siemens.com
Fri Nov 2 15:00:35 MET 2007
The 20th IFIP Int. Conference on Testing of Communicating
Systems (TESTCOM) and the 8th Int. Workshop on Formal
Approaches to Testing of Software (FATES)
IFIP TESTCOM and FATES will be conducted jointly in Tokyo in
the Summer of 2008. TESTCOM is a series of international con-
ferences addressing the problems of testing communicating sys-
tems. FATES is a series of international workshops discussing
the challenges of using rigorous and formal methods for test-
ing software systems.
TESTCOM/FATES'08 aims at being a forum for researchers, devel-
opers, testers, and users to review, discuss, and learn about
new approaches, concepts, theories, methodologies, tools, and
experiences in the field of testing of communicating systems
and general software. TESTCOM/FATES'08 is co-located with
* Aspects of testing: test derivation, test selection, test
coverage, test implementation and execution, test result
analysis, test oracles, test management, monitoring and run-
time verification, test frameworks
* Model-based testing: formal models and modeling languages
such as automata, state machines, process algebra, logics,
SDL, UML, Markov-chains, test generation from models, model
* Kinds of testing: functional, interoperability, performance,
conformance, security, reliability, robustness, etc.
* Application areas: communicating systems such as protocols,
middleware, networks, web services and applications, wire-
less applications, control systems, business information
systems, embedded and real-time software, etc.
* Combinations of different testing techniques and combina-
tions with other validation techniques, e.g. combined veri-
fication and testing
* Tools to support any of the testing activities
* Case studies and industrial applications of testing method-
ologies and test tools
* Theory-oriented research full papers (max. 16 pages)
describing results of theoretical or experimental research,
which must be original, significant, and sound
* Application-oriented research full papers (max. 16 pages)
describing results of the application of new testing method-
ologies or focusing on empirical studies or the industrial
* Industrial best practice papers (2 pages of extended
abstract plus max. 24 slides after acceptance) describing
approaches and means to introduce new testing methodologies
in an industrial context
* Work-in-progress papers (max. 5 pages) describing very
recent research activities and preliminary results that are
worth discussing
* Tutorial proposals (3 pages) within the scope of the
All contributions to TESTCOM/FATES'08 have to be submitted
electronically in PDF format via the conference website. All
submissions have to follow the Springer LNCS paper format; see
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. All full paper
submissions will be thoroughly reviewed by the Program Commit-
tee. Accepted full papers are published by Springer in the
LNCS series. Other accepted contributions are published in an
internal proceedings volume. Please consult the conference web
site on submission details.
Research full papers
January 4, 2008: Abstract submission
January 11, 2008: Full paper submission
February 29, 2008: Notification of acceptance
March 14, 2008: Camera-ready version
Industrial best practice, work-in-progress, tutorial proposals
March 21, 2008: Short paper submission
April 11, 2008: Notification of acceptance
May 2, 2008: Submission of the final version
General Chairs
Kenji Suzuki, Univ. of Electro-Communications, Japan
Teruo Higashino, Osaka Univ., Japan
Program Chairs
Andreas Ulrich, Siemens AG, Germany
Toru Hasegawa, KDDI R&D Labs., Japan
Technical Program Committee and Local Organization
See the conference web site.
Contact the program committee co-chairs by sending an e-mail
to mailto:testcom-fates2008 at hsc.kddilabs.jp or visit the web
site http://www-higashi.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/TESTCOM-FATES08/.
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