[clean-list] Type Expression Grammar question
Jigang Sun
Jigang.Sun at student.paisley.ac.uk
Fri Nov 2 23:32:18 MET 2007
>From Clean grammar,
FunctionType = [Type ->] TypeExpr //A3.1 on page 112 Clean language report
Type = {BrackType}+
BrackType = [!] TypeExpr
TypeExpr = TypeVariable // see A.7
| PredefinedType
| (TypeExpr)
PredefinedType = BasicType | ListType | ArrowType
ArrowType = "( " Type -> Type ")" //on p43 section 4.6 language report
I cannot see a function type
myFunc :: Int -> Int -> Int // there are more than one "->"
is accepted. Because in TypeExpr, "->" must be placed between a pair of parenthesises like (Int -> Int).
Could the grammar be understood as
FunctionType = TypeExpr | ArrowType //equivalent to FunctionType = [Type ->] TypeExpr
SuperTypeExpr= ArrowType | TypeExpr //used for funcType
TypeExpr = TypeVariable // see A.7
| PredefinedType
| (TypeExpr)
PredefinedType = BasicType | ListType |"(" ArrowType ")"
ArrowType = Type -> TypeExpr //p43 4.6[1] change from "(" Type -> Type ")"
Here I take FuncType as TypeExp, since a function is a value.
But I still cannot classify ArrowType as TypeExp because
myFunc :: Int -> Int Int -> Int
is not be parsed by Clean as
myFunc :: (Int -> Int) Int -> Int
Could anyone explain the related grammar or specify the grammar more clearly?
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