DSD 2006
announcer at confman.org
Tue May 29 07:04:58 MEST 2007
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications - 2007
(December 13-15, 2007)
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India
The Seventh International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications will be held at the Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India during December 13-15, 2007. The conference will provide an international forum for discussion on issues in the areas of Computational Intelligence and Multimedia for scientists, engineers, researchers and practitioners.
The conference will include sessions on theory, implementation and applications, as well as the technology transfer to industry. There will be both oral and poster sessions. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings to be published by IEEE CS Press. Selected papers will be published in "International Journal on Computational Intelligence and Applications" published by World Scientific Publishing Company Press. Several well-known keynote speakers will address the conference.
Conference Topics Include (but not limited to):
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Networks
Fuzzy Systems
Genetic Algorithms
Hybrid Systems
Intelligent Control & Systems
Intelligent Databases
Knowledge based Engineering
Learning Algorithms
Logic Synthesis
Interactive Multimedia
Memory, Storage and Retrieval
Multimedia and Algorithms
Multimedia and Telecommunications
Multimedia and Virtual Reality
Multimedia Hardware
Multimedia Information Retrieval
Multimedia and Security
Multimedia Systems
Image / Video Compression
Image / Video Processing
Pattern Recognition
Special Sessions, Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorial:
Proposals for special sessions, pre-conference workshops and tutorials relevant to the conference topics are invited. The deadline for submitting the proposal is May 15, 2007.
Invited Sessions:
Keynote speakers (Chief Research Scientists and Leading Academics) will be addressing the main issues of the conference.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Paper Submission : June 15, 2007
Date of Intimation of Accepted Papers : August 14, 2007
Receipt of Camera Ready Paper by IEEE CS Press : September 14, 2007
Last Date for payment of Registration Fee by Authors : September 14, 2007
Last Date for Registration by non Authors : November 15, 2007
Submission of Papers
Papers in English reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. Electronic submissions of papers via www.iccima07.mepcoeng.ac.in are encouraged. Alternatively, the papers can be sent through email to: iccima07 at yahoo.com & iccima07_technical at mepcoeng.ac.in along with duly filled Technical Paper Submission (TPS as given below) form. Selected papers will have a limit of 5 pages in the proceedings to be published by IEEE. Visit our web site for IEEE 6-by-9 inch paper format and more information.
Evaluation Process
All submissions will be refereed based on the following criteria by two reviewers with appropriate background.
Contribution to the area of research
Technical quality
Relevance to ICCIMA 07 topics
Clarity of presentation
Referees report will be provided to all authors.
Contact Information:
Organizing Chair ICCIMA 07
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Sivakasi - 626 005. Tamilnadu, India
Phone : (+91) 4562 235400
Fax : (+91) 4562 235111
Email : iccima07 at mepcoeng.ac.in
iccima07 at yahoo.com
URL : www.iccima07.mepcoeng.ac.in
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