[clean-list] CfP: TTSS'07 - Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in
Volker Stolz
vs at iist.unu.edu
Mon May 28 13:38:49 MEST 2007
1st Intl. Workshop on
Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software (TTSS'07)
22-23 September 2007, Macau, China
Co-located with ICTAC 2007 (http://www.iist.unu.edu/ictac07/)
Conference Topics
The aim of the workshop is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from academia, industry and government to present
and discuss ideas about:
a) How to deal with the complexity of software projects by
multi-view modeling and separation of concerns about the
design of functionality, interaction, concurrency, and
extra-functionality, and
b) How to ensure correctness and dependability of software
using formal methods and tools of modeling, design,
verification and validation into design and development
processes and environments.
The workshop will provide enough time for discussion on problems
and research. Each presentation will be 25 minutes followed by
10 minutes discussion. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to, the following areas:
* Mathematical frameworks, methods and tools for
model-driven development
* Models, calculus and tool support for component-based and
object-oriented software
* rCOS and relational mathematical frameworks of object and
component systems and their tool support
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 July, 2007
Notification of acceptance: 15 August 2007
Final manuscript due: 1 September 2007
TTSS invites authors to submit original and unpublished work.
Submissions should include an abstract, key words, the e-mail
address of the corresponding author, and must not exceed
15 pages using ENTCS style. We are talking to ENTCS about the
publication of the proceedings, and will consider the
publication of a special issue of a journal for selected papers.
Program Committee
Farhad Arbab CWI, The Netherlands
Luis Barbosa Universidade do Minho, Portugal
James C. Browne UT Austin, US
Kung-Kiu Lau Manchester University, UK
Jin Liu ECNU, China
Xiaoshan Li Macau University, China
Markus Lumpe Iowa State University, USA
Zongyan Qiu Peking University, China
Anders P. Ravn Aalborg University, Denmark
Abhik Roychoudhury NUS, Singapore
Bernhard Schätz TU Munich, Germany
Heinrich Schmidt RMIT University, Australia
Meng Sun CWI, The Netherlands
Petr Tuma Charles University, Czech Republic
R. Venkatesh TATA, India
Xu Wang UNU-IIST, Macau, China
Ji Wang National Laboratory for Parallel and
Distributed Processing, China
Naijun Zhan CAS, China
Jianhua Zhao Naijin University, China
Gianluigi Zavattaro University of Bologna, Italy
Patrick Cousot ENS, France
Jifeng He ECNU, China
Mathai Joseph TATA, India
Zhiming Liu UNU-IIST, Macau, China
Bertrand Meyer ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jim Woodcock Univ. of York, UK
Organised and supported by East China Normal University (ECNU)
and The United Nations University Institute for Software
Technology (UNU-IIST).
We apologise if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
Kind regards,
Geguang Pu (ECNU) / Volker Stolz (UNU-IIST)
United Nations University -
International Institute for Software Technology
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