[clean-list] freopen fails
Arjen van Weelden
A.vanWeelden at cs.ru.nl
Mon Jan 29 11:00:35 MET 2007
Arjen van Weelden wrote, but forgot to include the clean-list:
> Flushing your last write to the file might fail when closing due to a
> disk full error or something. But coming from freopen, it is probably
> something else. Could you post a small program that exhibits the issue?
> regards,
> Arjen
> Erik Zuurbier wrote:
>> Dear Cleaners,
>> I have a case where freopen fails. The comments in the StdFile library
>> say:
>> freopen :: !*File !Int -> (!Bool,!*File)
>> /* Re-opens an open file in a possibly different mode.
>> The boolean indicates whether the file was successfully closed before
>> reopening. */
>> So I look at fclose:
>> fclose :: !*File !*f -> (!Bool,!*f)
>> /* Closes a file */
>> I can imagine that closing fails if I remove a file by hand in the
>> mean time, but that is not the case in my program.
>> What could be the other conditions under which closing a file fails?
>> Regards Erik Zuurbier
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