[clean-list] CfP: QUATIC 2007
Ricardo J. Machado
rmac at dsi.uminho.pt
Tue Jan 9 16:46:28 MET 2007
6th International Conference on the
Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2007)
Lisbon - Portugal
September 13-15, 2007
Theme and Scope:
The International Conference on the Quality of Information and
Communications Technology (QUATIC) serves as a forum for
disseminating advanced methods and tools for supporting quality
approaches to ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and
researchers are encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on
how to adopt a quality culture in ICT process and product
improvement and to provide practical studies in varying contexts.
The conference considers the existence of several areas of
interest that gather a set of related topics, organized around
several perspectives of ICT Quality:
- Management Perspective
- Process Perspective
- Product Perspective
- User and Contents Perspective
- Web Perspective
- Standardization and Certification Perspective
- Education and Training Perspective
Paper Submission:
We are seeking regular (10 pages) and short papers (5 pages) both
of a scientific nature and containing reports on experiences
coming from the industry and services. Papers with the explicit
purpose of promoting companies, services or products will not be
accepted. We encourage the authors of papers with a more scientific
flavor to take into account the applicability of their work in a
company environment and the experience reports from companies to
have an adequate scientific framework.
The language for regular papers is English, although
Portuguese and Spanish languages can also be used for short papers
to be included in an industrial track; i.e., submitted regular
papers must be written in English.
Regular papers must not have been previously published or submitted
elsewhere. Authors are requested to submit a PDF version of
their papers in IEEE format. These papers should not exceed 10
pages, including figures, references, and appendices. Submissions
must be done on the following
URL: http://quatic2007.dsi.uminho.pt/conftool.
Each submitted regular paper will have a blind review from, at
least, 3 members of the Program Committee. The Program Committee
will decide upon accepting or rejecting each paper, based on a set
of objective criteria.
Proceedings Publication:
Regular papers will be included in the proceedings of QUATIC 2007
that will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press
(Los Alamitos, California, USA). Short papers accepted for the
industrial track will be published online at the conference website.
Regular papers exceeding 10 pages will be charged for pages in
excess. Authors of accepted papers must sign the IEEE copyright form.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register and
present the paper at the conference, to assure its inclusion in the
conference proceedings.
During the closing session of QUATIC 2007, awards will be given to
the three best regular papers presented during the meeting. Extended
versions of a selection of regular papers will be published in a
special edition of the ASQ Software Quality Professional Journal
Important Dates:
- Submission of full papers: April 7, 2007
- Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2007
- Camera-ready paper version: June 15, 2007
- Conference: September 13-15, 2007
Steering Committee:
Organizing Chair Fernando Brito e Abreu
Organizing Co-Chair Miguel Goulao
Program Committee Chair Ricardo J. Machado
Program Committee Co-Chair M. Joao Nicolau
Program Committee:
Alberto Sampaio (ISEP/IPP)
Alberto Silva (INESC Lisboa)
Alec Dorling (Impronova/InterSPICE)
Alexandre Bragança (ISEP/IPP)
Ambrosio Toval (U Murcia)
Ana Afonso (FC/UL)
Ana Rocha (UFRJ)
Andreas Jedlitschka (IESE)
António Frohlich (UF Santa Catarina)
Antonio Doria (EEE Latin America)
A. Palma Reis (ISEG/UTL)
B. Henderson-Sellers (UT Sydney)
Dirk Muthig (IESE)
Erzsébet Angster (Gábor Dénes Foiskola)
F. Brito e Abreu (FCT/UNL)
Finn Svendsen (DDF)
Georgios Koutsoukos (ATX Software)
Giuseppe Di Lucca (U Sannio)
Gustavo Rossi (UNLP)
Han van Loon (Leistungs Consult)
Houari Sahraoui (U Montréal)
Jens Jorgensen (U Aarhus)
João Araújo (FCT/UNL)
Joao M. Fernandes (U Minho)
João N. Oliveira (U Minho)
J. Pascoal Faria (INESC Porto)
José C. Maldonado (USP)
José Pazos Arias (U Vigo)
Kival Chaves Weber (PBQP)
Letizia Jaccheri (Software NTNU)
Lidia Fuentes Fernández (U Malaga)
Luis Olsina Santos (UNLPam)
M. João Nicolau (U Minho)
Manuel Ricardo (FE/UP)
Marília Curado (U Coimbra)
Mario Piattini (U Castilla-La Mancha)
Mark Paulk (CMU)
Matias Vierimaa (VTT)
Maurizio Morisio (Politectnico di Torino)
Mehmet Aksit (U Twente)
Mel Ó Cinnéide (U College Dublin)
Michel Wermelinger (Open University)
Miguel Goulão (FCT/UNL)
Miguel Lopez (Open University)
Miguel Pessoa Monteiro (FCT/UNL)
Oscar Pastor (U Politecnica Valência)
P. Rupino da Cunha (U Coimbra)
Pedro Guerreiro (FCT/UNL)
Pericles Loucopoulos (UMIST)
Raul Moreira Vidal (FE/UP)
Ricardo J. Machado (U Minho)
Ridha Khedri (McMaster U)
Rini van Solingen (U Drenthe)
Susana Sargento (U Aveiro)
Taz Daughtrey (James Madison U)
Walcelio L. Melo (UC Brasília/Unisys)
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