[clean-list] Call for Papers: Workshop on Modeling in Software
Engineering @ ICSE 2007 (MISE 2007)
Steffen Zschaler
sz9 at inf.tu-dresden.de
Fri Jan 5 11:09:28 MET 2007
[Please apologise if you receive multiple copies of this call.]
Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering @ ICSE 2007 (MISE 2007)
Minneapolis, USA
May 19-20, 2007
Website: http://mse07.sse.cs.tu-bs.de/
Workshop Overview
The purpose of this workshop is to promote the use of models in the
engineering of software systems. In particular, we are interested in the
exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences related to
modeling. Engineers have used models to effectively manage complexity
for centuries, and there is a growing body of work on the use of models
to manage inherent problem and solution complexity in software
development. The use of software models will become more prevalent as
methodologies and tools that manipulate models at various levels of
abstraction become available.
This workshop will provide a forum for discussing the challenges
associated with modeling software and with incorporating modeling
practices into the software development process. We are interested in
model-related research topics at all levels of the software development,
including use of models during software execution. A list of topics
- Modeling notations and tools
- Modeling of non-functional properties
- Metamodeling
- Modeling patterns and strategies
- Model transformations
- Model evaluation
- Model traceability and management
- Domain specific modeling
- Extracting models from implementation artifacts (e.g., for program
understanding or verification)
- Use of models to support downstream activities (e.g., to generate
test cases)
- Use of models at runtime (e.g., to support dynamic adaptation)
- Empirical studies
Important Dates
20 January, 2007 Submission of workshop papers
20 February, 2007 Notification of acceptance
2 March, 2007 Camera-ready papers due
Workshop format
The workshop will be highly interactive and focused on the sharing of
ideas and on progressing towards a shared vision of research goals. The
discussions will be carried out by raising and debating open questions
and research priorities.
Depending on the number of accepted papers, the workshop will follow one
of two possible formats:
(1) Papers are presented during the morning sessions and the afternoon
sessions, and are used to suggest 2-3 working groups on topics of
mutual interest. Working-group discussions are followed by a plenary
session where a member of each group presents conclusions.
(2) Each session ends with a 30 minute discussion.
Submission guidelines
Although the workshop is open to all, prospective participants are
invited to submit a 4-6 page position paper. All submissions will be
reviewed by members of the program committee and the organizing
committee for quality and relevance. Accepted papers will become part of
the workshop proceedings. Submit a paper in PDF format to
mse07 at sse.cs.tu-bs.de.
Organizing Committee
Joanne Atlee, University of Waterloo, jmatlee at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Robert France, Colorado State University, france at cs.colostate.edu
Geri Georg, Colorado State University, georg at cs.colostate.edu
Ana Moreira, Universidade Nova Lisboa, amm at di.fct.unl.pt
Bernhard Rumpe, Braunschweig University of Technology, b.rumpe at tu-bs.de
Steffen Zschaler, Technische Universität Dresden, sz9 at inf.tu-dresden.de
Program Committee
Lionel Briand, Carleton University
Manfred Broy, TU Munich
Jean-Michel Bruel, University of Pau
Betty Cheng, Michigan State University
Krzysztof Czarnecki, U. of Waterloo, Canada
Holger Giese, Universität Paderborn
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama
Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota
Jeff Kramer, Imperial College London
Michael Jackson, Open University
Dorina Petriu, Carleton University
Awais Rashid, Lancaster University
Jon Whittle, George Mason University
Michael Whalen, Rockwell Collins
Dipl.-Inf. Steffen Zschaler
Research Assistant
Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Computer Science
Phone +49 351 463 38555
Fax +49 351 463 38459
Email Steffen.Zschaler at tu-dresden.de
WWW http://www.steffen-zschaler.de.vu/
Consider submitting to MiSE 2007, http://mse07.sse.cs.tu-bs.de/
the Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering @ ICSE 2007
to be held 19-20 May, 2007.
Deadline for submissions: 20 January, 2007
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