[clean-list] Clean 'takeWhile' inconsistency?

Adrian Victor Crisciu acrisciu@catedra.chfiz.pub.ro
Wed, 15 Sep 2004 14:55:49 +0300 (EEST)


Trying a small exercise from chapter 2 of the Clean Book, I stumbled upon
a curious problem. Running the following program yelds True, while I
believe it should yeld False, due to the definition of 'takeWhile':

module cap2
import StdEnv

Start = last (takeWhile ((<>) 0.0) (iterate reduce 1.0)) / 10.0 <> 0.0
		reduce x = x/10.0

Am I wrong, or this an inconsistency in the definiton of one of the
functions involved.

I use Clean 2.1 on a Linux box based on glibc-2.3.1


Adrian Crisciu