[clean-list] More on Gtk Object IO

John van Groningen johnvg@cs.kun.nl
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:55:12 +0200

Brent wrote:
>I've reviewed the function signatures of the C bindings against the
>corresponding Windows stuff (in Windows_C_121) and can't see any
>obvious incompatibilities.  However I continue to get the "Heap Full"
>I'd greatly appreciate a second (or third) pair of eyes looking at

The function WinDonePicture in cpicture_121.c does not return a string,
because a '*' is missing before:

	fname = cleanstring(...

After returning from WinDonePicture the string has to be copied to
the Clean heap. The "Heap Full" error occurs because the length
of this uninitialised string is probably very large.

John van Groningen