[clean-list] Artificial Intelligence in Clean
Pieter Koopman
Tue, 13 May 2003 21:46:38 +0200
Dear Alex,
At 14:27 13-5-2003 -0300, Alexsandro Soares wrote:
>I´m interested in the use of modern functional
>programming languages in Artificial Intelligence. At
>the moment, I'm trying with Clean. So, I have some
>1 - Is there anyone that used Clean for Neural
>Network, Genetic Programming, Fuzzy Logic, heuristic
>search, expert systems or other areas of Artificial
Very recently we have started to work on this area in Nijmegen.
Not much results yet, but what has been done looks OK.
>2 - How efficient are these programs compared with
>equivalent implementations in C or other languages
>(Haskell, OCaml, etc.)? Are there source codes
I expect just like any other program: it depends on how clever you are in
programming. There is no reason why Clean programs should be much slower
than C-programs. Usually there is at most a factor of 2 difference in
speed. Sometimes C wins, sometimes Clean wins.
>3 - Is Clean (like others lazy, strongly typed
>languages) inappropriate for this task?
Clean is strongly typed. But why should strongly typed languages be
>I´m a novice programmer in Clean, and I have a last
>question: How can I multiply two matrix A and B, and
>put the result destructivly in another one? Something
>like: C = A x B. This is important for Neural Networks
Use unique datastructures for you matrices.
Have a look at the Clas library at
Unfortunatly, this lib is still written in Clean 1.3, but conversion to
Clean 2.0 should be straight forward. Tell me if there you encounter problems.
Have fun,
Pieter Koopman