[clean-list] Installation Windows and Linux
Stephan Haugh
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 21:27:06 -0000
Unfortunately I would like to do GUI (simple text window, but resizable,
with menus and so on,no graphics as such). Will I manage to do that?
I am quite happy with Windows, but for my project I need to have it so it
runs on both platforms. If that means running an old version that's fine.
I am thinking of working in Windows and occasionally checking that it runs
under Linux. I don't care what it looks like under Linux as long as it runs
I think I better try and stick Linux on my machine and just try it out. You
have mentioned RH7.1. I will try something along that line.
Thanks for the hints.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Rogoff" <bpr@artisan.com>
To: <coelacanth@blueyonder.co.uk>
Cc: <clean-list@cs.kun.nl>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [clean-list] Installation Windows and Linux
> Stephan Haugh writes:
> > Hi all,
> > Just joined the mailing list.
> >
> > I would like to install Clean in such a way that all source I write runs
without change under both windows and Linux, platform (you might have
guessed) PC.
> >
> > I gather I cannot use object IO, so I have to stick with standard IO
library 0.8.
> I think you're just SOL (shit outta luck).
> Clean runs better on Windows than on Linux, and though there have been
> positive gains I would recommend against trying to do this now. Perhaps in
> a few years this will no longer be an issue.
> > What Clean version do I have to use to achieve my objective?
> Try the latest version. I managed to get the old IO library working on
> RH 7.1 but it was quite flaky so I gave up.
> If you aren't doing any GUI oriented work, and don't mind working on a
> version which will be behind the leading edge, then the Linux version is
> fine.
> -- Brian